This project attempt to analyze the impact of motivation on worker’s performance in an organization. Motivation is a way of encouraging workers to increase their productivity as assigned by the organization. Our study of impact on motivation and performance attempt to answer the way human behave and why workers decide to perform efficiently or withdraw or withhold their effort in workers motivation, individual or group of workers with their distinct needs have a particular way to develop a capacity for certain types of behaviour in an organization like local government education authority Dutsin-ma, each person ought to contribute something different, nevertheless all effort must be coordinated and appreciated to provide the service of the organization. Local education authority Dutsin-ma provide essential service to teaching staff in the field of education a service that seek to ensure efficient performance from those in the field. Each head of department/section ought to be guided by some also life principle, fairness, integrity and objectivity. To understand and justify this work, it is divided into five chapters. Chapter one deals with background knowledge, chapter two is on the literature while chapter three is on description and method of data used. Chapter four is an analysis and interpretation of data. While chapter five deals with summary, conclusion and recommendations.
The need to motivate workers in an economy like our is the concern of manager of both private and public established. There is the need for managers to understand and accommodate various people that work in one organization for the purpose of increasing productivity and for them to induce personnel to do their job, the manager’s needs to understand different behaviours that workers exhibit in an organization.
The motivation of administration personnel of local education Authority, Dutsin – ma is not an exception as their performance behaviour is akin ti that up others organization in Nigeria.
It is this premises that we intend to take a look at the situation with a view if finding solution to them, or at least reduce the incidence of low productivity. It is also my hope that at the end of this exercise, the picture would be clearer in the area of motivation and increased productivity in the organization.
An organization is composed of people who interact at different levels toward achieving a certain goal. Management therefore creates and maintain an environment which individual work together in-group towards the accomplishment of the set objectives Fadeyi (1976).
The success of an organization is contingent on the performance or effective ness of workers in that organization. The management in that organization. The management has the responsibility to study how best to induce or motivate the employees to put in their best. This could be done through the management study, the organization adopts to increase productivity.
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(2014, 09). The Impact Of Motivation On Local Government Staff Education.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 09, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/3031/the-impact-of-motivation-on-local-government-staff-education-1398
"The Impact Of Motivation On Local Government Staff Education." ProjectStoc.com. 09 2014. 2014. 09 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/3031/the-impact-of-motivation-on-local-government-staff-education-1398>.
"The Impact Of Motivation On Local Government Staff Education.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 09 2014. Web. 09 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/3031/the-impact-of-motivation-on-local-government-staff-education-1398>.
"The Impact Of Motivation On Local Government Staff Education.." ProjectStoc.com. 09, 2014. Accessed 09, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/3031/the-impact-of-motivation-on-local-government-staff-education-1398.
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