Design And Implementation Of Interactive Intranet Portal For Effective Management In Tertiary Institution

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Interactive Intranet Portal for effective management in Tertiary Institution is an enhanced and interactive method of managing and processing key issues in Tertiary Institution, Problems of result processing, tuition fee payment, library resources management are analyzed in this work. An interface was generated to handle this problem; the software is an interactive one. Several modules are involved in the paper, like: LIBRARY CONSOLE, ADMIN, STAFF, COURSE REGISTRATION, CHECKING OF RESULTS and E-NEWS modules. The server computer shall run the portal as well as OPEN SOURCE Apache Web Server, MySQL Community Edition RDBMS and PHP engine and shall be accessible by client computers on the intranet via thin-client browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. It shall be accessible through a well-secured authentication system. This Project will be developed using OPEN SOURCE technologies such XAMMP developed from WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL and PHP).

Keywords - Portal; Database; webA; MYSQL; Intranet; Admin.

Title Page
Table of Contents

Chapter One
Block Diagram Of Portal

Chapter Two
Corporate Portal Definitions
Major Characteristics Of A Corporate Portal

Chapter Three
System Design Approach
Structural Analysis
Student Course Registration Module
Result Module
Database Design
System Implementation
Sub Modules Implementation
Auchi Polytectnic Web Based Admission
Database Implementation

Chapter Four
System Testing And Evaluation
Actual Vs Expected Results

Chapter Five
Performance Evaluation
Interactive intranet portal for effective management in tertiary institution seeks to address the Problems arising from result processing, tuition fee payment, library resources management are analyzed in this work. An interface was generated to handle this problem, the software is an interactive one. An intranet is a network inside an organization that uses internet technologies (such as web browsers and servers, TCP/IP networks protocols, HTML hyper media document publishing and databases, etc) to provide an intranet-like environment with the organization for information sharing, communications, collaboration, and the support of business processes. An intranet is protected by security measures such as passwords, encryption, and firewalls, and thus can be accessed by authorized users through the intranet. Secure intranets are now the fastest-growing segment of the internet because they are less expensive to build and manage than private networks based on proprietary protocols.

Internets appeared in the mid-1990s and were perceived as the answer to the need for the integration of existing information systems into organizations. Despite the fact that has been extensive research regarding implementation, development processes, policies, standardization vs. creativity and so forth, the potentiality of intranets has not been fully exploited. Intranets offer many advantages in the form of working networks that support and enables empowered employees to participate in the development of the organization, to enable the measurement of essential functions and to monitor industries conditions and find suitable functions that support doing work.[1]

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2014, 08). Design And Implementation Of Interactive Intranet Portal For Effective Management In Tertiary Institution.. Retrieved 08, 2014, from
"Design And Implementation Of Interactive Intranet Portal For Effective Management In Tertiary Institution." 08 2014. 2014. 08 2014 <>.
"Design And Implementation Of Interactive Intranet Portal For Effective Management In Tertiary Institution..", 08 2014. Web. 08 2014. <>.
"Design And Implementation Of Interactive Intranet Portal For Effective Management In Tertiary Institution.." 08, 2014. Accessed 08, 2014.

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