Labour Unrest And Underdevelopment In Nigeria: An Appraisal Of 2000-2013

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One of the major impediments to development in Nigeria is labour unrest. This is given the fact that no Nation can develop without human resource because they constitute and play very significant role in Nation building and development. The Nigerian case has been so pervasive that labour unrest extends to every situation when the Government takes major public policy decision that seems to affect the labour union and generally the masses without due consultation of labour statement; especially that which affects the social life of their member and welfare packages of the entire masses, specifically that which affect the socio-economic and political aspects, hence Nigerian development remain dependent.

Thus in our attempt to analyze and investigate this problem, we use the relative deprivation theory for theoretical framework while documentary research method was also used for gathering and analyzing data.

This research work, labour unrest and underdevelopment in Nigeria: An appraisal from 2000 – 2013 is being carried out for the purpose of assessing various means of curbing labour unrest. This study is however divided into five chapters, chapter one deals with the background of study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, hypotheses, method of data collection and analysis, scope and limitation of the study and definition of terms. Chapter two contains the public policies and labour unrest in Nigeria. In chapter three, we looked at labour unrest and underdevelopment. Chapter four of this work dealt with the strategies for curbing labour unrest in Nigeria.

Finally, chapter five which is the last chapter efforts shifted to the summary, conclusion, recommendation and bibliography. However this work is very incisive, interesting and educating.
Table of Contents 
Title Page
Approval Page 
Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction 
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Literature Review
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Theoretical Framework
1.7 Hypotheses 
1.8 Methods of Data Collection 
1.9 Scope and Limitation of the Study
1.10 Operationalization of Concept
Chapter Two: Public Policy and Labour Unrest in Nigeria
2.1 Economic Reforms and Retrenchment of Workers 
2.2 Non-Sustainable Minimum Wage and Welfare Packages
2.3 Arbitrary Reduction of Fuel Subsidy and Increase in Fuel Prices

Chapter Three: Labour Unrest and Underdevelopment in Nigeria
3.1 Labour Unrest and Loss of Revenue
3.2 Labour Unrest and Loss of Investment 
3.3 The Disruption of Socio-Political Development

Chapter Four: Strategy for Curbing Labour Unrest in Nigeria
4.1 The Decentralization of Labour Unions
4.2 The Coercive Strategy
4.3 The Dialogue Option

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations   
5.1 Summary 
5.2 Conclusion 
5.3 Recommendation

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(2014, 07). Labour Unrest And Underdevelopment In Nigeria: An Appraisal Of 2000-2013.. Retrieved 07, 2014, from
"Labour Unrest And Underdevelopment In Nigeria: An Appraisal Of 2000-2013." 07 2014. 2014. 07 2014 <>.
"Labour Unrest And Underdevelopment In Nigeria: An Appraisal Of 2000-2013..", 07 2014. Web. 07 2014. <>.
"Labour Unrest And Underdevelopment In Nigeria: An Appraisal Of 2000-2013.." 07, 2014. Accessed 07, 2014.

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