This research was carried out on the topic, problem and prospect of the computerized Accounting system in Nigeria Banks. Using the United Bank for Africa (UBA) Nigeria Plc, Ahmadu Bello way branch as a case study. The researcher intention was to find out how the use of the computerized accounting system is of benefit to Nigerian Banks to know whether the computerized accounting system can increase the speed at which withdrawals and deposits are made, to know the extent to which banks’ staff have acquired the knowledge for the proper application of the system and to find out the problems associated with the use of the system.
To achieve these, the researcher made use of both primary and secondary sources of data. The primary source of data used for this work were the questionnaire and interview though the questionnaire was mainly used. It was administered on the total number of staff in the processing department of the bank i.e. the sample size for this work. The sample size was ninety five (95). That is to say there were ninety five (95) employees in the processing department of UBA Nigeria Plc, Ahmadu Bello way Branch. The questions asked in the questionnaire were based on the research questions answers to which were not 40 positive. That is to say, though a large variable of the respondents responded positively, some had opposite views. All said and done, the researcher came up with findings, that the use of the computerized accounting system had improved the effectiveness of the banks operating. It has also increased the speed at which customers of the bank can make deposit or withdrawal. The findings of this research project also had it that employees of the bank still need to be trained in computer technology so as to increase their knowledge of computer operation. Some problems found out be associated with the use of the system where the issues of fraudulent transactions which can be done easily without being detected through the computer, unauthorized transaction and change in programme instructions so as to affect some accounting information. After concluding that the use of the computerized accounting system had done good to the banking sector of Nigeria considering the positive changes witnessed by banks in Nigeria since its introduction, we recommended that Nigerian banks diverse. Their resources into implementing modern computer based system. They should try to meet up with their foreign counterparts who are applying more advanced computer technology in their operations. Banks in Nigeria should develop means or ways of detecting fraudulent transactions. That might be committed by same employees and also provide opportunities from time-to-time for their staff to go for computer training and skills improvement.
Title page
Approval page
Table of content
1.1Background of the study
1.2Statement of the study
1.3Objective of the study
1.4Research questions
1.5Significance of the study
1.6Scope of the study
1.7Historical Background of the case study
2.0Literature review
2.1History of computers
2.1.1Generations of computer
2.1.2First Generation of computer
2.1.3. Second Generation of Computer
2.1.4Third Generation of computer
2.1.5Fourth Generation of Computer
2.1.6Fifth Generation of Computer
2.2Types computers
2.2.1Types of computer based on function
2..2.2 Types of computer Based on structure
2.2.3Types of computer based on usage
2.3The computer hardware system
2.3.1The Generation processing Unit (C.P.U)
2.3.2The peripherals
2.4The computer software system
2.5Method of procession data as it computerized accounting system.
2.6Method input
2.7Techniques of processing
2.7.1Batch processing
2.7.2On line processing
2.7.3Real time processing techniques
2.7.4Looping or cycling processing techniques
2.7.5Interactive processing techniques
2.7.6Data base control system
2.8Data processing department and control
2.8.1Internal Data processing control
2.8.2External Data processing control
2.9Computer based Accounting system
2.9.1The need for computerized accounting system
2.9.2Advantages of computer based Accounting system
2.9.3Disadvantages of computer based accounting system
3.2Research design
3.3Area of study
3.4Population of the study
3.6Instruments for data collection
3.7Validation of the instruments
3.8Reliability of the instruments
3.9Methods of data collection
3.10Method of data analysis
4.0Data presentation and analysis
4.1Data presentation
4.2Data Analysis
4.3Testing of hypothesis
4.4Summary of findings
5.0Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
Appendix I
Appendix II
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2014, 02). An Evaluation Of Impact Of Computerized Accounting System In United Bank For Africa (uba) Nigeria Plc Kaduna.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 02, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/1983/an-evaluation-of-impact-of-computerized-accounting-system-in-united-bank-for-africa-uba-nigeria-plc-kaduna
"An Evaluation Of Impact Of Computerized Accounting System In United Bank For Africa (uba) Nigeria Plc Kaduna." ProjectStoc.com. 02 2014. 2014. 02 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/1983/an-evaluation-of-impact-of-computerized-accounting-system-in-united-bank-for-africa-uba-nigeria-plc-kaduna>.
"An Evaluation Of Impact Of Computerized Accounting System In United Bank For Africa (uba) Nigeria Plc Kaduna.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 02 2014. Web. 02 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/1983/an-evaluation-of-impact-of-computerized-accounting-system-in-united-bank-for-africa-uba-nigeria-plc-kaduna>.
"An Evaluation Of Impact Of Computerized Accounting System In United Bank For Africa (uba) Nigeria Plc Kaduna.." ProjectStoc.com. 02, 2014. Accessed 02, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/1983/an-evaluation-of-impact-of-computerized-accounting-system-in-united-bank-for-africa-uba-nigeria-plc-kaduna.
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