Food Consumption Pattern, Lifestyle And Body Mass Index Of Market Women (a Case Study Of Ikosi-isheri Local Government Area Oflagos State, Nigeria)

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The study was carried out to assess the food consumption pattern, lifestyle and body mass index of market women in Ikosi-isheri local government area of Lagos state.

One hundred and fifty respondents were selected from two markets using random sampling method. Data were collected using 24-hour dietary recall, diet history, anthropometric data such as height, weight and body mass index was also calculated.
The data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis such as frequency and percentage. The study shows that about 45.3 % of the respondents were within the age group 30-39 years.82% of the respondents were married. A total of 90.7% have formal education. The study also shows that about 27.3% of the respondent have three children and about 22.7% have four children. The study reveals that the respondent consume much of rice(78%), bread(82.7%), margarine(40%), boiled yam(48.7%) at breakfast while they consumed fried yam(50.7%), fufu(43.3%), bread(64%), beans(42.7%) at lunch and amala-dudu(68%), ewedu(69.3%), eba(51.3%), lafun(40%), meat(58.7%), egusi(67.3%), semovita(67.3%) at dinner. Using the body mass index(BMI) classification, 11.3% of the respondents were found to be obese, 6.0% severe obese and 26.7% overweight while 50% of the respondents falls within normal BMI range, 6.0 % being chronic energy deficient.

Table of contents
List of Tables

Chapter One
1.0    Introduction
1.1    Statement
1.2    Objectives
1.3    Justification

Chapter Two
2.0     Literature Review
2.1     Women and Basic Human needs concept
2.2     Women’s Health
2.2.1  Importance of Human Health
2.3    Women and paid work
2.4    Women, Education and Work in Nigeria
2.5    Sociological Basis of Education
2.5.1 Theoretical Insight
2.5.2 Women and Education in Nigeria
2.6    The Role of Market Women in the Nigeria Economy
2.6.1  Women in National Economy
2.6.2  Women in the Market
2.7     Women and Nutrition
2.7.1  Women’s Life cycle

Chapter Three
3.0    Methodology
3.1    The study Area
3.2    Study Design
3.3    Sample Size
3.4    Sampling Method
3.5    Data Collection
3.6    Data Analysis

Chapter Four
4.0    Result and Discussion

Chapter Five
5.0   Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1   Conclusion
5.2   Recommendation

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(2013, 11). Food Consumption Pattern, Lifestyle And Body Mass Index Of Market Women (a Case Study Of Ikosi-isheri Local Government Area Oflagos State, Nigeria).. Retrieved 11, 2013, from
"Food Consumption Pattern, Lifestyle And Body Mass Index Of Market Women (a Case Study Of Ikosi-isheri Local Government Area Oflagos State, Nigeria)." 11 2013. 2013. 11 2013 <>.
"Food Consumption Pattern, Lifestyle And Body Mass Index Of Market Women (a Case Study Of Ikosi-isheri Local Government Area Oflagos State, Nigeria)..", 11 2013. Web. 11 2013. <>.
"Food Consumption Pattern, Lifestyle And Body Mass Index Of Market Women (a Case Study Of Ikosi-isheri Local Government Area Oflagos State, Nigeria).." 11, 2013. Accessed 11, 2013.

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