The Role Of National Board For Technical Education (nbte) In Promoting Cooperative Education (a Case Study Of The Three Federal Cooperative Colleges In Nigeria)

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This study automatically reveals the essence of education to cooperative society because education brings development and knowledge.  Education brings about globalization.  The Role of National Board for Technical Education which will help the cooperative societies to enhance in growth and development in the society.  Questionnaires were administered to the three cooperative schools which were selected and analysis were based on the returned questionnaire.  This has helped to discovered where the cooperative education are lacking behind and thus help in promoting cooperative education in the schools consequently, workable recommendations were made which include  the federal government should come out with clearly spelt out policy on cooperative training with constant training for personnel in cooperative institution, that lecturers in these cooperative institution should be exposed to practical field work sufficient enough to enable them share on the situation in the field with the students (trainees), to advise on ways and means of improving and developing the resources and materials for teaching and product in technical institution thereby advise on ways of enlightening the general public on the importance of technical education and finally the study recommends that cooperative should be taught at primary and secondary schools to enable citizens imbibe the culture and spirit of cooperative which will enable them become better adult cooperators.  

Title Page         
Approval Page        
Table of Content       

1.0 Introduction       
1.1 Background of the Study     
1.2 Statement of the Problems    
1.3 Objective of the Study     
1.4 Research Hypothesis     
1.5 Significance of the Study     
1.6 Scope and the Limitations of the Study  
1.7 Definitions of Terms     

CHAPTER TWO         
2.0 Literature Review      
2.1 Importance of Cooperative Education  
2.2 Obstacles to Cooperative Education   
2.3 Techniques/Approaches to Cooperative Education Development      
2.4 The way Forward for Cooperative Education in Nigeria      
2.5 The Role of NBTE in Promoting Education in Nigeria     

3.0  Research Design and Methodology   
3.1.0Source of Data      
3.1.1Primary Data       
3.1.2Secondary Data      
3.2  Sample Size        
3.3  Research Instrument used     
3.4  Reliability and Validity of the Instrument 
3.5  Sample Procedure       
3.6  Return of Computed Questionnaire   
3.7  Method of Data Analysis      

4.0  Presentation Analysis and Interpretation of Data         
4.1  Presentation of Data     
4.2  Test of Hypothesis       
4.3  Suggestion Solution to Problem of Cooperative Manpower in Nigeria so as 
to help in Promoting Cooperative Education in Nigeria       

5.0  Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations      
5.1 Summary of Findings      
5.2 Conclusions       
5.3 Recommendation      

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(2013, 05). The Role Of National Board For Technical Education (nbte) In Promoting Cooperative Education (a Case Study Of The Three Federal Cooperative Colleges In Nigeria).. Retrieved 05, 2013, from
"The Role Of National Board For Technical Education (nbte) In Promoting Cooperative Education (a Case Study Of The Three Federal Cooperative Colleges In Nigeria)." 05 2013. 2013. 05 2013 <>.
"The Role Of National Board For Technical Education (nbte) In Promoting Cooperative Education (a Case Study Of The Three Federal Cooperative Colleges In Nigeria)..", 05 2013. Web. 05 2013. <>.
"The Role Of National Board For Technical Education (nbte) In Promoting Cooperative Education (a Case Study Of The Three Federal Cooperative Colleges In Nigeria).." 05, 2013. Accessed 05, 2013.

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