The Role Of Product Management In The Marketing Of Banking Service (a Case Study Of First Bank Aba Branch)

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This study Examined the role of product management in  the marketing of bank service.  Some of the objectives of this study were.
1.To find out the difficulties environment in the process of product management in first bank and 
2.To determine, if the management of the bank  product leads to increase product quality 
3.To offer possible solution and suggestion for addressing such  problem or make recommendation that lead  better customer relationship.
4.To determine the effect of product management bank on profitability.
Based on these objectives, hypothesis were formulated , Data were sourced, extensive literature review on text book, journal and materials on the area of the study was carryout, while primary data sourced from respondent.
The population of he study include.
Bank personnel and customer of the said bank in Aba metropoli.
Burley formular was used based on census figure of 1991 population
The data collected were analyzed using simple percentage and statistical table.
A careful study  of data collected shown the following.
1That services rendered by the said bank stagy the customer but not effective and efficiently as possible .
2.It show that with a well organize product management will leads to increase in the adoption process    of the  product by the consumer with these it make it possible for them to compete effective with other organization in same business .
3The researcher agrees that the managers and bank directors agrees that product management is very a necessary in marketing activities of every organization or business.   
The researcher the following recommendations after careful study of the finding.
1.That the organization should increased the activity that is associated  with product management which will bring about increase in sales of the  product and also organization image.
2.The employee of he organization should be educated more of the  importance of product management in an organization   
3.The organization should seek support from consumer customer of the organization in order help in  given information needed for proper product development and management.  In doing these a welfare department need to be establish in the organization.
The researcher concluded that the organization should be up and doing in product management to produce services that will effectively and efficiently satisfy the customer needs.
Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Formulation of hypothesis
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Definition of terms

Literature review
2.0 What is a product
2.1 New product development process in the banking industries
2.2 The concept of product management
2.3 Distribution of bank product
2.4 Promotional strategies for bank product
2.5 Pricing strategies for bank product
2.6 Problem of service product marketing
2.7 Problems Of Services Products Marketing    

3.0 Research methodology
3.1 source of data
3.2 Population of study
3.3 Sample size determination
3.4 Sampling techniques
3.5 Research instrument used
3.6 Method of data analysis and treatment
3.7 Limitation   of the study

4.0 Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data
4.1 presentation and analysis of data
4.2 Testing of hypothesis
4.3 Interpretation of data

Summary of finding recommendation and conclusion
5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion

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(2013, 04). The Role Of Product Management In The Marketing Of Banking Service (a Case Study Of First Bank Aba Branch).. Retrieved 04, 2013, from
"The Role Of Product Management In The Marketing Of Banking Service (a Case Study Of First Bank Aba Branch)." 04 2013. 2013. 04 2013 <>.
"The Role Of Product Management In The Marketing Of Banking Service (a Case Study Of First Bank Aba Branch)..", 04 2013. Web. 04 2013. <>.
"The Role Of Product Management In The Marketing Of Banking Service (a Case Study Of First Bank Aba Branch).." 04, 2013. Accessed 04, 2013.

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