Design And Implementation Of Computerized Case Management Information A Case Study Of Sam Igbokwe And Sons Enugu

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The case management is a research and law teaching, where Lawyers & Judges study about cases file on-line.  They insert in any newspaper, periodical or any other publications and advertisement offering as a member of the Bar to undertake confidential inquiries; to write for publication or give an interview to the press or otherwise cause or permit to be published, except in a legal periodical, any particulars of his practice or earnings in the profession or of cases pending on the courts or cases where the time for appeal has not expired on any matter in which he has been engaged as a member of the Bar, to answer questions on legal subjects in the press or any periodical on in wireless or television broadcast where his name or initials are directly or indirectly disclosed or likely or be disclosed.
The maintenance of a respectful attitude towards the court is been made.  It is unprofessional on the part of a member of the Bar to promote a case, which to his own knowledge is false.
Referring on different cases by some judges and lawyers, considering the fact-finding information displayed on related cases on web.
The situations where cases are adjourned are made known to the public who are interested in those involved in the case.  The aim of the disciplinary committee is to consider and determine any case where it is alleged that a person whose name is on the roll of legal practitioners has misbehaved in his capacity as a case managementor should for any other reason be the subject of proceedings under the Decree to hear appeals from any direction given by the disciplinary committee.  Preparing and from time to time, revising a statement as to the kind of conduct if considered to be infamous conduct in a professional respect.  This is to say that if the case is being adjourned, they will automatically know about the information on-line.
Judgment is being concluded to be available to other practitioners on-line, either in favour or against, depending on the crime committed.
The introduction of a computer application is a great change in a case management based on the web site through browsing, which helps them to make references on different cases from the files documented.  As a machine, it is faster, accurate, easy to be used.  By the available data, it involves writing a program of instructions.
A lawyer maintains a respectful attitude towards the court.  They have to engage in public prosecutions by filing cases, to see that justice is done.

Title page
Table of contents

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Statement of problems
1.2 Aims and objectives
1.3 Scope of the study
1.4 Limitations of the study
1.5 Definition of terms
2.0 Literature Review

3.0 Description and Analysis of Existing System
3.1 Fact finding method
3.2 Background of case study
3.3 Objectives of existing system
3.4 Input process, output analysis
3.5 Information flow diagram
3.6 Problems of existing system
3.7 Justification of existing system

4.0 Design of new system
4.1 Output specification and design
4.2 Input specification and design
4.3 File design
4.4 Procedure chart
4.5 System requirement

5.0 Implementation
5.1 Program design
5.2 Program flow chart
5.3 Test Run

6.0 Documentation

7.0 Recommendation
7.1 Conclusion

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2013, 04). Design And Implementation Of Computerized Case Management Information A Case Study Of Sam Igbokwe And Sons Enugu.. Retrieved 04, 2013, from
"Design And Implementation Of Computerized Case Management Information A Case Study Of Sam Igbokwe And Sons Enugu." 04 2013. 2013. 04 2013 <>.
"Design And Implementation Of Computerized Case Management Information A Case Study Of Sam Igbokwe And Sons Enugu..", 04 2013. Web. 04 2013. <>.
"Design And Implementation Of Computerized Case Management Information A Case Study Of Sam Igbokwe And Sons Enugu.." 04, 2013. Accessed 04, 2013.

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