This project was carried out using coal sample from Onyeama coal mine Enugu, Enugu State. Activated coal was produced by carbonizing the coal and activating it using phosphoric acid at a temperature of 5500c. the degree of bleaching of raw palm oil was monitored using spectronic meter through absorbance measurement. The essence was to identify suitability of the coal as a bleaching agent on palm oil. Comparison of the result obtained was made with the commercial fuller’s earth.
From the result obtained that 0.45mm, 0.18mm and <0.075mm particle size of the activated coal was used at size and at variable temperature of 1200c, 1600c and 2000c were carried out, the average percented colour absorption for the activated coal from Enugu was found to be 80, 81 and 89 respectively. This, the optimal particle size, temperature and weight was obtained to be 0.18mm 2000c and log/100ml of palm oil respectively.
Further it was identified that the smaller the particle size of the activated coal, the higher the percentage colour reduction.
It was also observed that the temperature has a large effect on the bleaching of palm using coal. This percentage colour reduction increase as the temperature increases.
It could be conclude that coal is a poor absorber though if activated properly can used as a bleaching.
Title page
Letter of transmittal
Approval page
Table of content
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope/ objective
2.1 Historical origin of coal
2.2 Historical development of activated carbon
2.3 Formation of coal
2.4 Classification of coal
2.4a Bank
2.4b Ultimate analysis
2.4c Proximate analysis
2.50 Properties of coal
2.51 Physical properties of coal
2.52 hemical properties
2.6 Uses of coal
2.7 Activated process
2.8 Coal activation process
2.81 Chemical activation
2.82 Coal classification
2.83 Classification process
2.84 Use at activated carbon
2.9 Use at activated carbon
3.0 Experimental process
3.1 Equipment and apparatus used
3.2 Material used
3.3 Experimental
3.31 Carbonization process
3.32 Activation process
3.4 Characterization of activated coal
3.41 Determination of bulk density and porosity
3.42 Save analysis
3.5 Bleaching operation
3.6 Characterization of oil sample (bleached)
3.61 Iodine value (IV)
3.62 Free fatty acid/acid value (A.V)
3.63 Specification value
3.64 Etherification value (S.V)
3.65 Peroxide value (P.V)
3.66 Specific gravity
3.67 Determination of melting point of palm oil
3.68 Determination of bolting point of palm oil
4.0 Experimental
4.1 Table 4.1 determination of density and porosity
4.2 Table 4.2 sieve analysis table
4.3 Table 4.3 spectranic reading of the unbleached oil
4.4 Table 4.4 bleaching effect of activated coal
4.4 Table 4.6 iodine value
4.5 Table 4.7 specification value
4.6 Table 4.8acid value
4.7 Table 4.9 peroxide value
4.8 Concise table characterization of activated coal and bleached oil
Recommendation and conclusion
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(2013, 03). Synthesis Of Activated Carbon From Enugu Coal.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 03, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/1110/synthesis-of-activated-carbon-from-enugu-coal
"Synthesis Of Activated Carbon From Enugu Coal." ProjectStoc.com. 03 2013. 2013. 03 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/1110/synthesis-of-activated-carbon-from-enugu-coal>.
"Synthesis Of Activated Carbon From Enugu Coal.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 03 2013. Web. 03 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/1110/synthesis-of-activated-carbon-from-enugu-coal>.
"Synthesis Of Activated Carbon From Enugu Coal.." ProjectStoc.com. 03, 2013. Accessed 03, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/1110/synthesis-of-activated-carbon-from-enugu-coal.
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