Effective Administration Of Credit In Co-operative Enterprise (a Case Study Of Selected Co-oeratives In Enugu South L.g.a Of Enugu State

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The study systematically revealed the process of effective administration of credit in co-operative enterprise in Enugu south local government of Enugu state.
It highlights the process of credit administration in co-operative, which include, loan administration and assessment loan contract, supervision of credit and credit recovery. 
Questionnaires were administered to the society under study. The society also was randomly selected. Out of the 20 questionnaires administered to the selected co-operative society, eighteen were returned and analysis were based on the returned questionnaire.
The study showed that co-operatives can raise fund for their activity both by internal and external source. The internal source includes, share capital, revolving fund, deposit and reserve. The external capital includes the co-operative apex, agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund among others.
The problem militating against the co-operative credit administration were discussed such as defiant economic situation prevailing in the country, high inflation rate and personnel unsound lending practice etc.
Consequently, workable recommendation were made of which if adopted will go a long way to ameliorations of the impediment encountered by co-operative in credit administration. Hence consolidating the benefit of effective credit administration among co-operative society in the area.

Title page
Table of content

1.1  The background of the study
1.2  Statement of problems
1.3  Objective of study
1.4  Significance of study
1.5  Limitation of study
1.6  Definition of terms
1.7  Reference

2.1  The nature of the co-operative
2.2  Credit co-operative and their problem
2.3  Source of co-operative finance
2.4  The process of credit administration
2.5  The loan committee
2.6  Assessment of loan application
2.7  Terms of credit
2.8  Supervision of credit
2.9  Loan recovery
2.1.1Credit co-operative in Enugu south  L.G.A.
2.1.2Factors militating against effective credit administration

3.0  Research methodology
3.1  Population study
3.2  Sample size an sampling techniques
3.3  Method of data collection
3.4  Method of data analysis
3.5  Source of data

4.0  Data presentation, analysis, and interpretation 
4.1  Data presentation 
4.2  Data analysis
4.3  Data interpretation 

5.0  Recommendation and conclusion
5.1  Recommendation
5.2  Conclusion
5.3  Biography
5.4  Questionnaires and appendix

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(2013, 03). Effective Administration Of Credit In Co-operative Enterprise (a Case Study Of Selected Co-oeratives In Enugu South L.g.a Of Enugu State.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 03, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/1063/effective-administration-of-credit-in-co-operative-enterprise-a-case-study-of-selected-co-oeratives-in-enugu-south-l-g-a-of-enugu-state
"Effective Administration Of Credit In Co-operative Enterprise (a Case Study Of Selected Co-oeratives In Enugu South L.g.a Of Enugu State." ProjectStoc.com. 03 2013. 2013. 03 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/1063/effective-administration-of-credit-in-co-operative-enterprise-a-case-study-of-selected-co-oeratives-in-enugu-south-l-g-a-of-enugu-state>.
"Effective Administration Of Credit In Co-operative Enterprise (a Case Study Of Selected Co-oeratives In Enugu South L.g.a Of Enugu State.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 03 2013. Web. 03 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/1063/effective-administration-of-credit-in-co-operative-enterprise-a-case-study-of-selected-co-oeratives-in-enugu-south-l-g-a-of-enugu-state>.
"Effective Administration Of Credit In Co-operative Enterprise (a Case Study Of Selected Co-oeratives In Enugu South L.g.a Of Enugu State.." ProjectStoc.com. 03, 2013. Accessed 03, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/1063/effective-administration-of-credit-in-co-operative-enterprise-a-case-study-of-selected-co-oeratives-in-enugu-south-l-g-a-of-enugu-state.

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