this contains a comprehensive and complete company law note, suitable for law teachers, legal practitioners, students (both at undergraduate and law school) and the general public. course outlin...
Premium 168 pages 39555 words Book Note/ Review All Levels
contract entails an agreement between two or more persons via consensus adi dem with the intention to create legal relations. this note covers the requisite knowledge needed for the law of contrac...
Premium 34 pages 9881 words Book Note/ Review All Levels
introductionres gestae is an english doctrine of latin origin statement that constitute part of res gestae are attributed a certain degree of reliability because they are contemporaneous, making them...
Premium 5 pages 995 words Book Note/ Review All Levels
meaning of the law of evidencethe law of evidence is an aspect of procedural law which relates to proof of facts before the court, how facts may be proved, who may prove, and what facts may or may not...
Premium 56 pages 5668 words Book Note/ Review All Levels