Generally, christain hand bills and posters are meant to invite people for programs in churches. Different handbills and posters have different meanings. It has been observed that there...
Premium 52 pages 9870 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Stylistics is the study of literary and non-literary texts using linguistic and literary descriptions. The aim in this research work was a stylistic analysis of Akachi adimor...
Premium 73 pages 11551 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Language is a vital medium through which human beings express themselves. It is used by its speakers to achieve diverse purposes such as reprimanding, encouraging, admiring, and persuading....
Premium 49 pages 8452 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Language and style never moves beyond a concentration on the supremacy of words. These words somehow contain meanings style is effectively language manipulated in ways that signal it as differ...
Premium 57 pages 9692 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
In the course of the several other researches done in the past, it was realised that many works have been done on stylistics but none is related to sports columns and so this essay aims at vis...
Premium 71 pages 11706 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
It was obviously vital that African should be treated for culture preservation. This research attempted the exposition of Camara Laye’s The African Child and The Radiance of the King with a...
Premium 56 pages 13341 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
This project work deals with a critical evaluation of Africanism in relation to theme and techniques of Amos Tutuola’s novel – THE PALMWINE DRINKARD. This study tends to examin...
Premium 41 pages 5906 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Characterisation is the presentation, description, representation and analysis of the various characters or cast in any work of art; either a play, novel or poetry. Characterisation is how the chara...
Premium 46 pages 6528 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
This study is set out to analysis the issues of poverty, class stratification and social injustice in Olu Obafemi’s Wheels and Festus Iyayi’s Violence. The purpose is to enlighten Africans...
Premium 71 pages 14786 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
The Concept of Class struggle describes the constant conflict among the existing strata in every society. The purpose of this academic research is to explore the meaning and important of class...
Premium 65 pages 9757 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level