in this study the objective of the researcher is to find out the problems of administration of vat in nigeria, vat is one the major sources of government revenue. to do this the researc...
Premium 37 pages 4902 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
table of contentspreliminary pagestitle pagededicationacknowledgement table of contentlist of figureschapter oneintroduction1.1 background of the study1.2 statement of the problem1.3 obje...
Premium 64 pages 7874 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
it was convinced that through this research the benefits of using internal auditor for efficient control of activities in this institution would be utilized.the aim of the study is...
Premium 55 pages 7160 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this research work is intended to evaluate the relationship between money supply and national income in nigeria during the period over view. view about the important of money in the working of...
Premium 29 pages 3441 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
prior to the recapitalization and reformation in the banking industry by central bank of nigeria (cbn), under the leadership of prof. charles soludo, our banking system has been in...
Premium 104 pages 14387 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
the depress in nigeria economy and the role of auditors has played to revamp the economy is a concern to all. this particular study therefore studied the whole phenomenon of depres...
Premium 117 pages 16950 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
it was in the year 1892 that banking activities first started in nigeria with the opening of a branch of the african banking corporation in lagos. it is in the light of these that this wo...
Premium 83 pages 11154 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
the stud focuses on internal auditing as an effective instrument for examinationto ensure that financial regulations and instructions in carrying out financial transactions in nitel is strictl...
Premium 89 pages 12092 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
introductionall organizations whether public or private, have some objectives or goods, which they aim to achieve. these objectives or goals could be the maximization of profit or rendering of service...
Premium 89 pages 12428 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
introductionbanking decree 1969 defines banking as the business of receiving monies from out side sources as deposits, irrespective of the payment of interest and the granting of loans and acceptance...
Premium 60 pages 7105 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level