introduction1.0 backgound of the study accounting procedure in post primary institutions means the process or system by which the various governments approved fees are collected and accounted for by a...
Premium 46 pages 6739 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
as a result of rapid increase in the socio-economic problem of this nation and also millions of naira wasted at project sites and the collapse of our economic sector, the writer decided...
Premium 58 pages 6968 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
1.0 background of the study accounting provides information which is vital for the economic decisions that have to be made by individuals and the companies. accounting counting is a way of giving mana...
Premium 72 pages 7656 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
abstactthe purpose of this work was to examine the use of accounting information in analyzing the financial position of a firm and uac of nigeria plc formed the case study .in pursuit of this objectiv...
Premium 50 pages 6910 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this work was designed to study the prevention of fraud in nigeria financial institutions, with particular reference to banks (uba plc). banks deal essentially in cash instrument and other do...
Premium 94 pages 8275 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this research work seeks to unravel al the ambiguities and uncertainties on the extent to which banks rely on the accounting information submitted by their customers b...
Premium 80 pages 8487 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
banks are regarded as the bed rock of a nation’s economy. they are the harbinger of economic development through a prudent management of both treasury operations and treasury activities. thi...
Premium 52 pages 8182 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
in all business enterprises, the implementation of cost volume profit analysis is very important and can never be over emphasized and to achieve this goal, target and objective, it is b...
Premium 85 pages 10544 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this research work is conducted as part of the requirement for the award of a higher national diploma (hnd) in financial studies (accounting). it highlights the authors effort in finding...
Premium 102 pages 10113 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
introduction1.1 background of the studylocal government is the third tier of government in nigeria. it has administrative structure, statutorily assigned functions, social commitments and financ...
Premium 97 pages 14027 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level