theopening of the accounting to the actuarial calculation is a normal consequenceof its evolving spirit. at the origin of the international accounting standardslies the framework for...
Premium 16 pages 3350 words Paper All Levels
introduction taxation is a compulsory levy imposed by thegovernment on the incomes of taxpayers in a geographical territory in order todefray the expenses of governance. this implies that any...
Premium 12 pages 3319 words Paper All Levels
Labour cost is a significantelement of cost especially in an organization using more manual operations. itis the cost of human endeavour in the product and requires coordinated effortsfo...
Free 43 pages 12714 words Paper All Levels
The idea of human resource valuation and reporting existed for more than half a century. the concept continues to be debated by economic, accounting, and psychology theoreticians universally....
Premium 17 pages 5885 words Paper All Levels
Background of studythe nigeria banking industry has witnessed a lot of changes since the mid 1980’s and this is reflected in the increased volume and complexity of bank operations, increased innovat...
Premium 34 pages 7144 words Paper All Levels
introductionin any field of human endeavour, the place of supervision tends to assume an all important position, the place of supervision in the banking industry most especially the commercial bank ca...
Premium 19 pages 3367 words Paper All Levels
The purpose of this study is to find out if auditing is essential in the management of financial institution. does financial institutions really needs to audit its financial statement? &...
Premium 28 pages 4178 words Paper All Levels
Introductionin a modern economy, there is distinction between the surplus economic units and the deficit economic units and in consequences, a separation of the saving investment mechanism. this...
Premium 24 pages 3343 words Paper All Levels
Premium 36 pages 5210 words Paper All Levels
Introductionthe global economic recession, which started in 80’s as a result of decline in the economic growth of developing nations, high rate of inflation, dramatic rise in the price of crude oil,...
Premium 27 pages 3309 words Paper All Levels