Accounting Works

Accounting project topics, essays, seminar topics, thesis topics, and project topics in accounting

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Audit Tenure And Audit Fees Behaviour In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Nigeria Banking Sector

The broad objective of the study is to examine the relationship between auditortenure and audit fee. intuitively, one may not be able to say dearly if auditfee influences audit te...

Premium 79 pages 12099 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Demand And Supply For Accounting And Auditing Services For Non-profit Making Organization In Edo State

The economic theory of the non-profit makings organization has witnessedsignificant progress in the last decades. the existence of non-profit makingorganizations has bee...

Premium 83 pages 16175 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Audit Tenure And Audit Fees Behaviour In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Nigeria Banking Sector

Audit tenure and audit fee are critical variables that have been placed on the pedestal of auditing and accounting researches. The potential of these variables in influencing the independence of the a...

Premium 75 pages 11460 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Application Of Fair Value Accounting (problem And Prospect) In Nigeria

The determination of the overall growth of most cost depends on howefficient and effective the method of financial reporting is, and in thenigeria case there are still lots of problems...

Premium 59 pages 14727 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Determinants Of Tax Compliance Among Smes In Edo State

This research study provides empirical evidence on the determinants of tax compliance of smes. using the survey research design, questionnaires were distributed to 100 firms cutting several se...

Premium 78 pages 17320 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Accounting System In Small Scale Organization

In running a business whether a small scale or large scale, there has always been a need to achieve the best business decisions by example all available alternative courses of action. All these busin...

Premium 55 pages 35742 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Internal Audit As A Tool In Achieving Organizational Objectives (case Study Of Ecobank)

The notion of the auditor being bound or a watchdog is gradually changing for thebetter as internal auditing has undergone tremendous changes in recent past.the actual functions of the audito...

Premium 75 pages 11190 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Role Of Accountant In Small Scale Business

introductionthe purpose of any businessman going into the production of goods and services is to make profit. in other to achieve this ultimate goal therefore, he must be able to put in place qualifie...

Premium 40 pages 5935 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Evaluation Of The Accounting System Of Hotel Industries (a Case Study Of Modotel Hotel Enugu)

the need to evaluate the accounting system of the hotel organization in nigeria hence its objective is to find out the adequacy and reliability of how hotel organization operates in accounting...

Premium 50 pages 5684 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Evaluation Of Inventory Management As A Tool For Effective Organization Productivity (a Study Nigeria Breweries Plc Lagos)

this research work on “evaluation of inventory management as a tool for effective organization productivity” is aimed at discovering and maintains the optimum level of investment in all ty...

Premium 58 pages 6876 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

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