the focus on privatization of corporate enterprises is relatively recent in nigeria. the prominence in economic programs of most developing countries since the 1980’s is due to the ne...
Premium 62 pages 6147 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
with the trend of technology growth in the world of today, virtually every facet of human work has been affected; even the remotest of it all, and the production circle cannot be left out. &nb...
Premium 56 pages 6769 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this project deals with the network of livestock but focuses on the information of the livestock and how they interact with the physical environment. this new design is meant to given th...
Premium 31 pages 3311 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
bank is a place which deals with customers accounts both savings, deport loan, etc.the above mentioned processes and activities are not only time consuming but also not secured when done manua...
Premium 46 pages 5910 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
there is need for the hygienic processing of cassava prevalent conditions in the commercial grating areas of this staple food show a susceptibility to food contamination. a home scale ca...
Premium 53 pages 4823 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
a battery charger is an electrical device employed for charging batteries. this batteries that are usually charged by battery changer are the storage battery charger are the storage bat...
Premium 53 pages 4946 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this project work, is a computerization of cash receipt system of an organization. it entails maintaining database files of different sources of receipt whose scope and limitation are based on...
Premium 42 pages 4987 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
the proper management and utilization of financial resources has over the years been the bed rock of growth, expansion and continual existence of the world most popular industries and busines...
Premium 53 pages 5714 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
it has become very necessary to computerize the bill of material processing system in nigeria due to the impact it has on the overall efficiency of the organization. this project undertakes t...
Premium 67 pages 7444 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
handling of cargo has been a circular task all these while in our various ports. and nigerian ports authority (n.p.a) being an organization responsible for seeing to the affairs of our...
Premium 57 pages 4804 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level