This study examinedthe socio-economic impact of the obudu ranch resort on the host communities,cross river state-nigeria. data for the study were collected throughquestionnaire surve...
Free 90 pages 14451 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
ABSTRACTThe aim of this studyis to critically examine the Land Use Act of 1978, and identify the effects onsustainable housing delivery in Jos South Area of Plateau state with a view ofa...
Premium 64 pages 16643 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
gives an insight of project and how to work on it...
Free 9 pages 15005 words Thesis All Levels
nigeria returned to democratic rule in 1999 with the enthusiasm to chat new political and socioeconomicdispensation. the introduction of national economic empowerment and development strategy (needs...
Premium 10 pages 1978 words Paper All Levels
this paper suggests a cause of low density urban development or urban sprawl that has not been given much attention in the literature. there have been a number of arguments put forward for mar...
Free 14 pages 3149 words Paper All Levels
Urban Development – Preparation of Master Plan for areas other area – Preparation of existing land use map using modern techniques. We have respected and implemented the international conv...
Premium 14 pages 2931 words Paper All Levels
ABSTRACTThis paper suggests a cause of low density urban development or urban sprawl that has not been given much attention in the literature. There have been a number of arguments put forward for mar...
Premium 14 pages 3157 words Paper All Levels
There is a continuous exacerbation of environmental problems in big cities of today’s world, thereby, diminishing the quality of life in them. Of particular concern is the fact that today’...
Free 371 pages 99306 words Thesis All Levels
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY• The technological and political arrangements for the provision of water and sanitation that emerged out of the chaos of the nineteenth-century industrial city can be characterized...
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This paper investigates the challenges posed by cities in developing countries, particularly Lagos urban area otherwise called Lagos megacity against the backdrop of rural and even urba...
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