Banking And Finance Works

Banking And Finance project topics, essays, seminar topics, thesis topics, and project topics in banking and finance

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Computer Age And Its Impact On Financial Institutions

this study is on the computer age and it’s impact on financial institutions. in other words, it reflects on the difference between when the use of manual machine was passed out and when the...

Premium 36 pages 4438 words Seminar Degree Level

The Role Of Central Bank Of Nigerian In The Management Of The Nations Foreign Debt.

the central bank of nigerian (c.b.n) started full-scale operation on 1st july 1959, and since its inception like most of the central bank the world over, performs certain national and internat...

Premium 38 pages 4574 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Performance Appraisal Of Monetary Policy Of Central Bank Of Nigeria

introductioni.i background of the studybefore the establishment of the central bank of nigeria the west african currency board (wacb) which was established in 1912 had the responsibility for issuing...

Free 27 pages 3369 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Effectiveness Of Credit Guidelines Asan Instrument Of Monetary Policy In Nigeria.

introduction1.1 background of the study one important factor affecting the level of economic activities in any economy is change in supply.  these changed affects directly the rate of spending...

Premium 44 pages 5647 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

An Evaluation Of Credit Management And The Incident Of Bad Debt In Nigeria Commercial Bank (case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria)

the growing case of classified debts and the increasing trend in the yearly provisions for bad and doubtful debts in commercial banks suggest that there may be errors in the administration of...

Premium 60 pages 7243 words Seminar Degree Level

The Provision Of Qualitative Services Rendered To Customers In Commercial Banks

the banking business has experienced structural changes over the decades like other business.the government continually encourages the expansion of the services rendered by bank and also facil...

Premium 38 pages 4766 words Seminar Degree Level

Liquidity Management In The Service Industries

the significance of the service industries in the economic development of nigeria cannot be undermined. however, liquidity problems constitute a major constraint on the development of this ind...

Premium 26 pages 2759 words Seminar Degree Level

Overview And Impact Of Fraud In The Banking Industry In Nigeria (a Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

fraud is an awful phenomenon, which like a vein has invaded nigeria banking industries and the society in general, and puts any organization that it comes into in a state of liquidation.this s...

Premium 75 pages 10007 words Seminar Degree Level

“the Impact Of Central Bank Of Nigeria Prudential Guidelines On The Financial Statement Of Licensed: A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc And Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc

the prudential guidelines for licensed banks which are based on globa banking standards, imposed far-reaching requirements in the classification of risk assets and provision for bad and doubt...

Premium 60 pages 7805 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Role Of Commercial Banks In Small Scale Business Financing

new products are developed in the banking industry to meet the ever-growing needs of this research work, the research choose four of the products, measured the extend to which the...

Premium 23 pages 2596 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

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