Banking And Finance Works

Banking And Finance project topics, essays, seminar topics, thesis topics, and project topics in banking and finance

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Causes And Implications Of Bad Debts In Nigeria Commercial Banks

the nigeria banking sector has witnessed a lot of set back in the last decade. this is as a result of series of huge bad debts which resulted to many banks going into liquidation. undue merger...

Premium 60 pages 6810 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Operation Of The Banks In Grating Financial Assistance Of Nigeria Industrialist Especially The Small And Medium Scale Industrialist.

introduction1.1 statement of the problemsmall and medium scale industries constitute and the bed rock of any meaningful industries nation.but inspite of this  not much of small and medium scale i...

Premium 30 pages 3559 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Impact Of Foreign Exchange Market In The Nigerian Workers In All Spheres. This Programme (fem)

introduction 1.1 background of the study  nigeria gained its sovereignty on october 1st 1960, and like most developing countries, it has its “teething problems, economic wise, most past go...

Premium 39 pages 5154 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Role Of Commercial Banks In Financing Agriculture In Nigeria Economy

introduction 1.1 background of the study agriculture, man’s oldest profession which used to be nigeria’s chief foreign exchange earner, has been neglected over the years because of the d...

Premium 48 pages 7013 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Role Of Computer In Fraud Detection And Prevention In The Nigeria Banking Industry

1.0 introduction the role of computer in fraud detection and prevention in the nigeria banking industry banking in nigeria is mistakenly going through successive periods of change-change that in...

Premium 39 pages 4866 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

C0-operative Fedrations: Opportunity And Threates In A Cpitalist Economy (a Case Of Abia State Co-operative Fedration)

capitalism is seen as an economic system or market economy was there is free allocation of market resources and free private participation in economic activities. the capitalist concept is man...

Premium 70 pages 11139 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

A Computerized Bank Savings Account, Processing System.

bank is a place which deals with customers accounts both savings, deport loan, etc.the above mentioned processes and activities are not only time consuming but also not secured when done manua...

Premium 46 pages 5910 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Role Of Central Bank Of Nigeria In Credit Supply To The Agricultural Sector.

the main point of this study is the role of “central bank of nigeria in credit supply to agricultural sector”.the project is intended to focus on the adequate of credit supply to agricultu...

Premium 48 pages 6591 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Evaluation Of Nigeria System, Emphasis On Value Added Tax – Study Of Federal Board Of Inland Revenue (fbir)

 this study is carried out with the aim of evaluating nigeria tax system with special emphasis on value added tax – study of federal board of inland revenue (fibr).it began with the his...

Premium 70 pages 8420 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Role Of Commercial Banks In Financing Small Scale Industries In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

the topic of dissertation is the role of commercial banks in financial small scale industry in nigeria. a case study of union bank of nigeria plc.the major objective of the study is to ascerta...

Premium 93 pages 111444 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

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