introduction nigeria became a nation state in 1914 by the act of amalgamation of the northern and southern protectorate by the british colonial administration. before then there were separate cu...
Premium 107 pages 40519 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
introduction1.1 background of the studyin nigeria, the first and prime objective of any business in the private sector is to make profit but the uncertainty interest today’s economic environment. &n...
Premium 28 pages 3262 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Study examines the impact of agriculture on economic growth in Nigeria from1980 to 2014. Agriculture played a dominant role in the economic growth of thecountry, providing emp...
Premium 30 pages 5310 words Paper All Levels
introduction it is universally acknowledged that the banking including play a catalytic role in t he process of economic growth and development. this acknowledgement is reinforced by conte...
Premium 81 pages 8421 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
prefacethis research work is to identify the unemployment in our society. the work is divided into seven chapter. this tries to state the problems encountered in unemployment. and d...
Free 23 pages 2504 words Paper All Levels
this research work, the developmental impact of rural banking in nigeria, a case study of united bank of africa (uba) plc agbani road branch, enugu was carried out to measure to what extent th...
Premium 89 pages 12797 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
nigeria has a long history of religious conflicts, some of the most virulent being those of the ‘maitatsine’ (1980s) and ‘boko haram’ (july 2009). the latter matched the former i...
Premium 105 pages 15875 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
the objective of this study to access based on questionnaire the exceptional quality or other wise of the present economic effect of petroleum scarcity. ...
Premium 46 pages 6362 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
fuel is a form of energy, according to longman english dictionary, fuel is a form of energy use for production. in that case, its scarcity will affect the living standard of the people i...
Premium 35 pages 4886 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this research is based on the economic effects of fuel scarcity in nigeria. the research was carried out to find out the extent to which the entire population in enugu metropolis has suf...
Premium 78 pages 9357 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level