this project “production of plane mirror using local raw material” is meant to study the possibility of producing plane mirror using sand rich in silica as its major local raw material.pla...
Premium 64 pages 9161 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
the incidence of gully erosion in obollo-etiti in udenu local government area of enugu state has assumed alarming proportions thereby gaining local government recongnition as an ec...
Premium 56 pages 6596 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
flooding has been described as one of the most important environmental factors determining the distribution of salt maize plants. we studied the impact of five water levels on the germination...
Premium 48 pages 5442 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Recurrent drought and decrease agricultural productivity during the last decades in West Africa, especially in the Sahelian zone,...
Premium 57 pages Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level