Knowledge Of Chemistry As Predictor Of Learning Achievements In Science Subjects. A Case Study Of Oyo State School Of Science, Oyo

Sulaiman Ganiyu - 71 pages 14098 words 178 views Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level Chemistry ₦4000 Naira ($10.53 USD)

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This project is based on the knowledge of chemistry as predictor of learning achievement in science subject (a case study of Oyo State School of Science, Oyo). Questionnaire was used to collect data from 20 respondents based on their level. The result of the research shows that the knowledge of chemistry as predictor of learning achievement in science subject. The findings revealed that, the variables that may be responsible for these may be curriculum related variables and instructional materials related variables. The researchers recommended that, Government and school authorities should through the allocation of funds, materials and apparatus for sciences teaching make school laboratories more adequate for effective implementation of Chemistry curriculum so as to enhance the performance of students. 

Table of Content
1.1 Background to the study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 The Aims and Objective of the Study
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Research Question
1.6 Scope of the Study
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms
Review of Related Literature
2.0. Introduction
2.1. The concept of Chemistry
2.1.1 The scope of Chemistry
2.2 Integration of Knowledge
2.2.1. Application of Knowledge
2.3 Predicting Academic Achievement in Science Subjects
2.4 Importance of Teacher Professional Development on Student Achievement
2.5 Attitude of Students Towards Chemistry
2.6 Professional Qualification of Chemistry Teachers
2.7 Staff Development for Chemistry Teachers
2.8 The Evaluation of Chemistry
2.9 The Teaching and Learning Methods Used in Teaching of Chemistry Subject
2.10 The Teaching and Learning Resources Available for Teaching Chemistry
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population of the Study
3.3 Sample size and Sampling Techniques
3.4 Instrumentation
3.5 Validity of the Research
3.6 Reliability of the Instrument
3.7  Procedure for Data Collection
3.8 Method of Data Analysis
Presentation and Discussion of Findings
4.1 Descriptive Analysis of Data
4.2. Presentation of Data Analysis
4.3 Discussion of Findings
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations

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(2022, 11). Knowledge Of Chemistry As Predictor Of Learning Achievements In Science Subjects. A Case Study Of Oyo State School Of Science, Oyo.. Retrieved 11, 2022, from
"Knowledge Of Chemistry As Predictor Of Learning Achievements In Science Subjects. A Case Study Of Oyo State School Of Science, Oyo." 11 2022. 2022. 11 2022 <>.
"Knowledge Of Chemistry As Predictor Of Learning Achievements In Science Subjects. A Case Study Of Oyo State School Of Science, Oyo..", 11 2022. Web. 11 2022. <>.
"Knowledge Of Chemistry As Predictor Of Learning Achievements In Science Subjects. A Case Study Of Oyo State School Of Science, Oyo.." 11, 2022. Accessed 11, 2022.

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