Culture And Universality Of Human Rights.

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The import of this essay is to show that international human rights are universal without ruling out the impact of culture in enhancing the effective implementation of the obligation of states in promoting, protecting and enforcement of international human rights. Although, the essay will not attempt to portray international human rights as being subservient to states' cultural practices but will establish complementarities between both. Thus, the approach of this essay will be to discuss by way of expansive analysis the universality of human rights and its implementations in the face of cultural diversities, and also to x-ray the arguments of cultural relativists without succumbing to their contentions.

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(2017, 07). Culture And Universality Of Human Rights... Retrieved 07, 2017, from
"Culture And Universality Of Human Rights.." 07 2017. 2017. 07 2017 <>.
"Culture And Universality Of Human Rights...", 07 2017. Web. 07 2017. <>.
"Culture And Universality Of Human Rights..." 07, 2017. Accessed 07, 2017.

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