The Impact Of Music On Television Commercial

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1. Introduction 4
2. Theoretical Framework 2.1. Television Commercials 8
2.2. Attitude 10
2.3. Different Types of Commercial Background Music 11
2.4. Elaboration Likelihood Model and Theory of Musical Fit 12
3. Problem Statement
3.1. Research Question and Sub-Questions 18
3.2. Purpose and Relevance of the Research 19
4. Methodology 20
5. Literature Review and Analysis 5.1. General Consumer Attitudes Towards Television Commercials 21
5.2. Influence of Background Music in TV Commercial on Consumers’ 23
5.3. The Effects of Musical Congruity on Brand Attitude 25
5.4. Effects of Background Music on Attention and Memory 27
5.5. Influence of Song Tempo, Rhythm, Pitch and Musical Mode on 29
Consumer Mood and Attitude
5.6. Potential Pitfalls of using Music in Advertising 32
5.7. Analysis of Background Music in Television Commercials 33

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(2017, 06). The Impact Of Music On Television Commercial.. Retrieved 06, 2017, from
"The Impact Of Music On Television Commercial." 06 2017. 2017. 06 2017 <>.
"The Impact Of Music On Television Commercial..", 06 2017. Web. 06 2017. <>.
"The Impact Of Music On Television Commercial.." 06, 2017. Accessed 06, 2017.

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