Effective Management Of Cash And Debtors To Avert Illiquidity Challenges In A Corporate Organization (a Case Study Of First Bank Plc Ado-ekiti)

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The research work is based on the management of working capital (cash and debtor) to avert illiquidity in a corporate organization. Both primary and secondary sources of data were used for this research work. A well structured questionnaire were distributed to the respondents and it was analyzed using simple percentage and Z-test statical approach was adopted. Text books and journals of renown authors were constructed to enriched the literature review of the study. My funds on working capital was that cash and debtors has a significant influence on the performance of corporate organization. It is recommended that organization needs to pay particular attention to the volume of credit sales by managing effective debtors, and ensure that the organization maintain reasonable level of cash.                                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
Title page i
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents vi
Introduction 1
1.1Background of the Study 1
1.2Statement of the Problem4
1.3Objective of the Study5
1.4Significance of the Study6
1.5Research Questionnaire 7
1.6Statement of Hypothesis7
1.7Limitation of the Study9 
1.8Definition of Terms12
Literature review16
2.1Introduction 16
2.2The Major Concept 17
2.3Existing Theories and their Assumption 21
2.4critique of the Theories24
2.5Cash Management26
2.5.1Debtors Management31
2.5.2Credit Management 39
2.5.3Bills Receivable Management 42
2.5.4Bills Receivable Management42
2.5.5Prepayment Management42
Research Methodology45
3.2Research Design46
3.3Characteristics of the Study Population 48
3.4Sampling, Design and Procedure 49
3.5Data Collection Instrument 55
3.5.1Primary Data 51
3.5.2Secondary Data51
3.6Data Analysis Techniques 55
3.6.1The Z-distribution Test 56
3.7Justification of Method uses and Techniques 56
Presentation and analysis data58
4.1Introduction 58
4.2Presentation of data 59
4.3Data analysis64
4.4Findings of the study64
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 67
5.2Conclusion 68
5.3Recommendation 69
Appendix I74
Appendix II75

Table 4.1:Cash management sometimes used in making policy for the organization 
Table 4.2:Working capital management influenced the overall performance of Nigeria commercial Banks 
Table 4.3:At times, the organization monitors the amount of credit it gives to its customers 
Table 4.4:Stock control sometimes used in production planning of the company.
Table 4.5:In working capital management process the extent at which the organization makes profit is determined
Table 4.6:Data analysis.

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(2017, 04). Effective Management Of Cash And Debtors To Avert Illiquidity Challenges In A Corporate Organization (a Case Study Of First Bank Plc Ado-ekiti).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 04, 2017, from https://projectstoc.com/read/8419/effective-management-of-cash-and-debtors-to-avert-illiquidity-challenges-in-a-corporate-organization-a-case-study-of-first-bank-plc-ado-ekiti-4111
"Effective Management Of Cash And Debtors To Avert Illiquidity Challenges In A Corporate Organization (a Case Study Of First Bank Plc Ado-ekiti)." ProjectStoc.com. 04 2017. 2017. 04 2017 <https://projectstoc.com/read/8419/effective-management-of-cash-and-debtors-to-avert-illiquidity-challenges-in-a-corporate-organization-a-case-study-of-first-bank-plc-ado-ekiti-4111>.
"Effective Management Of Cash And Debtors To Avert Illiquidity Challenges In A Corporate Organization (a Case Study Of First Bank Plc Ado-ekiti).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 04 2017. Web. 04 2017. <https://projectstoc.com/read/8419/effective-management-of-cash-and-debtors-to-avert-illiquidity-challenges-in-a-corporate-organization-a-case-study-of-first-bank-plc-ado-ekiti-4111>.
"Effective Management Of Cash And Debtors To Avert Illiquidity Challenges In A Corporate Organization (a Case Study Of First Bank Plc Ado-ekiti).." ProjectStoc.com. 04, 2017. Accessed 04, 2017. https://projectstoc.com/read/8419/effective-management-of-cash-and-debtors-to-avert-illiquidity-challenges-in-a-corporate-organization-a-case-study-of-first-bank-plc-ado-ekiti-4111.

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