Effect Of Radiation On Plant

ProjectStoc - 32 pages 2500 words 1282 views Seminar Degree Level Agricultural Science ₦2500 Naira ($6.58 USD)

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Radiation is the process by which energy is emitted as either particles or waves. Broadly, it can take the form of sound, heat, or light. However, most people generally use it to refer to radiation from electromagnetic waves, ranging from radio waves, though the visible light spectrum, and up through to gamma waves
Most of the discussion about radiation, how it works, and what its effects are boil down to the interaction of radiation with atoms (and molecules) that it comes into contact with. Atoms form the basic building blocks of all matter. They consist of a nucleus, made of positively-charged protons (and sometimes neutrally-charged neutrons), and an outer cloud of electrons, which have a negative charge. The positive charge of a single proton is equal to the negative charge of a single electron.

Written in Three chapters.
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(2017, 03). Effect Of Radiation On Plant.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 03, 2017, from https://projectstoc.com/read/8388/effect-of-radiation-on-plant-662
"Effect Of Radiation On Plant." ProjectStoc.com. 03 2017. 2017. 03 2017 <https://projectstoc.com/read/8388/effect-of-radiation-on-plant-662>.
"Effect Of Radiation On Plant.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 03 2017. Web. 03 2017. <https://projectstoc.com/read/8388/effect-of-radiation-on-plant-662>.
"Effect Of Radiation On Plant.." ProjectStoc.com. 03, 2017. Accessed 03, 2017. https://projectstoc.com/read/8388/effect-of-radiation-on-plant-662.

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