Inventory Control And Management In A Manufacturing Firm

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Inventory connotes asset items held for sale in the ordinary course if business or raw materials which will be used in the production of goods to be sold. This  study has looked at inventory control in a manufacturing organisation sun rise floor Mill Limited Emene, Enugu. Before now, inventory control has been posing serious, problems to the floor Mill. Some of the pronoured ones are sponlage to materials before being used in production determine the re-order level, valuation of materials used in production is not done immediately issues are made etc.
This research study has critically examined the company’s view to determine the level of its efficiently. It collected  and critically analyzed data from both primary and secondary sources using table, chi-square and percentage, and the findings are as follows;
1.That cost of stock pose problem at all level of inventory;
2.That valuation of materials used in production is not done immediately issues are made;
3.That it is wise to re-order materials before getting to minimum level;
4.That if materials are durable, it cannot suffer any loss in value if kept for being period.
Based on these finding, some recommendation was made to improve inventory control and management in the company and concluded with suggestions for further studies in related areas and those were not fully treated.

Title page
Approval page
Table of content

Chapter one
1.1 introductions
1.2 objective of the study
1.3 significance of the study
1.4 scope and limitations of the study
1.5 definition of terms

Chapter two
2.1 materials control
2.2 materials control method
2.3 need for inventory
2.4 perpetual inventory
2.5 inventory control models economic order quantity system
2.6 economic order quantity assumptions.

Chapter three
Summary of findings conclusion and recommendation.
3.1 Summary of findings
3.2 Conclusion
3.3 Recommendation

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2013, 02). Inventory Control And Management In A Manufacturing Firm.. Retrieved 02, 2013, from
"Inventory Control And Management In A Manufacturing Firm." 02 2013. 2013. 02 2013 <>.
"Inventory Control And Management In A Manufacturing Firm..", 02 2013. Web. 02 2013. <>.
"Inventory Control And Management In A Manufacturing Firm.." 02, 2013. Accessed 02, 2013.

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