Office Equipment And Their Contributions To The Success Of A Business Organization (a Case Study In Nnpc, Enugu)

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The major purpose of this study was to determine the management constraints of the office equipment and their contribution to the success of a business organization, as well as the problems and modern office equipment. We have been putting forward the argument that for the need of office machines, but it is important that I equally take of the problems associated with secretaries and office equipment and machines in their places of works. The purpose of this study is to identify the contributions of office machines to an organization. The following questions have been asked as a guide to the question of the study. What are the contributions of modern equipment to the organization? etc. The population of the study consisted of 100 employees of NNPC Enugu. The sample size for the study was 50 out of the population of 100 employees found in NNPC Enugu. The major findings of the study were (1) The problems they envisage in the cause of using these machines and the prospects associated with the use of modern office equipment. (2) It was found that modern office equipments have impacts on secretaries. It was concluded that the researcher were convinced that the secretarial staff of NNPC Enugu, needed some extra training in other to coherent with the manipulation of operations of some of the modern office equipment. 

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(2016, 11). Office Equipment And Their Contributions To The Success Of A Business Organization (a Case Study In Nnpc, Enugu).. Retrieved 11, 2016, from
"Office Equipment And Their Contributions To The Success Of A Business Organization (a Case Study In Nnpc, Enugu)." 11 2016. 2016. 11 2016 <>.
"Office Equipment And Their Contributions To The Success Of A Business Organization (a Case Study In Nnpc, Enugu)..", 11 2016. Web. 11 2016. <>.
"Office Equipment And Their Contributions To The Success Of A Business Organization (a Case Study In Nnpc, Enugu).." 11, 2016. Accessed 11, 2016.

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