Information Needs And Resource Utilization By People Living With Hiv/aids (a Case Study Of Esut Teaching Hospital Parklane Enugu)

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The study was carried out on the information needs and resource utilization by people living with Human Immune Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in ESUT Teaching Hospital Parklane Enugu. Health is of utmost important in every human facet, that is the reason why every hand should be on deck to promote it. Chapter one of this research work is concerned with a brief discussion of what HIV/AIDS is, problems facing people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), information needs and resource utilization was focused on. Chapter two deals with review of related literature, the review was focused on HIV/AIDS. Information needs of people living with HIV/AIDS, information used by people living with HIV/AIDS, the extent to which information resources encourage and support the people living with HIV/AIDS, to take positive action to deal with HIV/AIDS, the benefits driven from the used information resources, barriers to access and utilization of information, resources and strategies to overcome the barriers. Chapter three shows the method of carrying out the research. Questionnaire will be used for data collection. Chapter four is the analysis and presentation of data collection and discussion of findings while chapter five deals with the summary of findings, recommendation, conclusion and suggestions for further studies.

Title page - - - - - - - - i
Approval Page - - - - - - - ii
Dedication - - - - - - - - iii
Acknowledgement - - - - - - - iv
Table of contents - - - - - - - v
Abstract - - - - - - - - viii
Introduction 1

1.1 Background to the study - - - 3
1.2 Statement of the study - - - - 9
1.3 Purpose of the study - - - - 18
1.4 Scope of the study - - - - - 19
1.5 Significant of the study - - - - 20
1.6. Research Questions - - - - - 22
1.7 Operation Definition of Research Concepts 23

2.1 Introduction  - - - - - - - 25
2.2 Conceptual Framework- - - - - 26
2.2.1 HIV/AIDS  - - - - - - - 26
2.2.2 Information needs of people living with HIV/AIDS 33
2.2.3 Information used by people living with HIV/AIDS 36
2.2.4 The extent to which information resources encourage and support the people living with HIV/AIDS to take positive action - - - 39
2.2.5 The benefits derived from the use of information resources by PLWHA - - - - - 43
2.2.6 The bearers to access and utilization of information resources by the PLWHA - - 45
2.2.7 Strategies to overcome the barriers of access and utilization of information by people living with HIV/AIDS 49
2.3 Empirical Studies - - - - - 51
2.4 Summary of the reviews - - - - - 57

3.1 Introduction - - - - - - 60
3.2 Research design - - - - - - 60
3.3 Area of study - - - - - - - 61
3.4 Population  of the study- - - - - 61
3.5 Sample - - - - - - - 62
3.6 Sampling Technique - - - - - 63
3.7 Instrumentation - - - - - 65 
3.8 Validation of instrument - - - - 66
3.9 Method of data collection - - - 67  
3.10 Method of Data analysis - - - - 68

4.0 Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation 69
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Discussion of findings

Summary, conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Introduction - - - - - - - 85
5.2 Summary - - - - - - - 85
5.3 Conclusion - - - - - - - 88
5.4 Recommendations - - - - - - 89
5.5 Suggestion for further studies - - - 91
References - - - - - - - 92
Appendix I- - - - - - - 95
Appendix II - - - - - - - 97
Abbreviation/meaning - - - - -
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2016, 10). Information Needs And Resource Utilization By People Living With Hiv/aids (a Case Study Of Esut Teaching Hospital Parklane Enugu).. Retrieved 10, 2016, from
"Information Needs And Resource Utilization By People Living With Hiv/aids (a Case Study Of Esut Teaching Hospital Parklane Enugu)." 10 2016. 2016. 10 2016 <>.
"Information Needs And Resource Utilization By People Living With Hiv/aids (a Case Study Of Esut Teaching Hospital Parklane Enugu)..", 10 2016. Web. 10 2016. <>.
"Information Needs And Resource Utilization By People Living With Hiv/aids (a Case Study Of Esut Teaching Hospital Parklane Enugu).." 10, 2016. Accessed 10, 2016.