The Impact Of Family Planning Campaign On Ibagwa Couples In Igbo Eze South Local Government Area Enugu State.

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The study examined the impact of family planning campaign on Ibagwa couples. The study highlighted the factors militating against appreciable acceptance of family planning practices. It further sought solutions to the hindrances. Simple random sample of three hundred and fifty (350) respondents was drawn from the seven (7) villagers that make up the research question. Simple percentage was the instrument used for data analysis. In the light of the findings practical recommendation were made. 

This chapter focuses on the review of related literature. It aims at examining studies, publications made by different scholars in the past which formed textbooks, journals, magazines, unpublished project (research) works.
For the purpose of carrying out effective review of literature on the topic; the researchers organized the review into the following sub-headings:
i. The concept of family planning 
ii. Methods of family planning 
iii. Importance of family planning 
iv. Factors militating against family planning. 

 The concept of family planning
Family planning, also called conception control (Nnubia, 1999) is a method of controlling the number of children per couple. The concept on a lay man’s idea is planning the number of children one will have and the intervals between the births in the family by using both control or any method used to prevent the birth of a child.
In this opinion Lucas (1968) sees family planning as the activity that enables every family to have as many children as they desire and when they want them. In his view this implies educating and encouraging couples to space or limit the number of children and thereby ensure optimal family health. Still on the concept, Ojo and Briggs (1982) states that family planning implies a situation where fertile couples space out their children and have the number of children they want and at the time they desire them. In the opinion of Suleiman (1992) family planning is a way by which individual couples and families exercise their basic right in family formation to improve their lives, health and life expectancy. 

Finally planning campaign is aimed at bringing to awareness the need for adoption of family planning practices in view of the advantages derivable from the concept. There are inherent problems arising from population issues unemployment, cases of unwanted pregnancies and abortion, etc. Efforts to check these have not yielded appreciable results as a result of the influence of such factors as religion, culture, fear, illiteracy, cost of services and drugs provided.
To achieve adoption of the practice by a majority of the people, the study revealed the need for government to consider the issue of provision of social security especially for the old people such that they would be guaranteed of the basic necessities of life. It is also suggested that there is a dire need of the improvement in the status of women and their literacy level. This could be achieved through empowerment women and thereby reducing the age long preference for the male child.

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(2016, 10). The Impact Of Family Planning Campaign On Ibagwa Couples In Igbo Eze South Local Government Area Enugu State... Retrieved 10, 2016, from
"The Impact Of Family Planning Campaign On Ibagwa Couples In Igbo Eze South Local Government Area Enugu State.." 10 2016. 2016. 10 2016 <>.
"The Impact Of Family Planning Campaign On Ibagwa Couples In Igbo Eze South Local Government Area Enugu State...", 10 2016. Web. 10 2016. <>.
"The Impact Of Family Planning Campaign On Ibagwa Couples In Igbo Eze South Local Government Area Enugu State..." 10, 2016. Accessed 10, 2016.