Evaluation Of Sports As An Instrument For Social Integration In Bayelsa State

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This work examined the role of the church in the acquisition of basic literacy in Yenagoa Local Government Area. Its objectives are to examine how the Sunday school assist members in the acquisition of basic literacy, encourage skills acquisition, enlighten the women folk in their feminine role, promotion of welfare and the inculcation of moral values to its members. The study adopted the descriptive research design. The population was 1,470 members of the church in six (6) denominations. A total of 588 members instated the sample. A questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. It was analyzed with the use of the grand mean.
The findings revealed that the Sunday school plays a prominent role in the life of a Christian. Based on the findings, it is recommended amongst others that the Sunday school depart of the church should be formally organized to give opportunity to members in the acquisition of basic literacy. This is necessary for the growth, and application of moral virtues required for societal development. 


Title Page



Table of Content


Chapter One
1.1  Introduction …………………………………………………………… 1
1.2  Statement of Problem………………………………………………... 2
1.3 Purpose of Study…………………………………………………….. 3
1.4 Research Questions …………………………………………………. 4
1.5 Significance of Study ……………………………………………….. 5
1.6 Scope ………………………………………………………………. 6

Chapter Two:  Literature Review
2.1 The Concept of Education………………………………………… 7
2.2 Agencies of Education ……………………………………………. 11
2.3 The Nigeria Educational System …………………………………. 13
2.4   A Brief History of the Nigerian Educational System ……………. 14
2.5 Traditional African Education …………………………………… 16
2.6 Aims of Traditional Education …………………………………... 18
2.7 Concept of Adulthood ……………………………………………. 22
2.8 Concept of Adult Education ……………………………………… 24
2.9 Some tools of Adult Education …………………………………… 31

Chapter Three: Methodology 
3.1 introduction ………………………………………………………… 41
3.2 Research Design …………………………………………………….. 41
3.3 Population of Study ………………………………………………… 42
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques …………………………………. 43
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection …………………………………….. 43
3.6 Reliability of the Instrument ……………………………………….. 44
3.7 Method of Data Collection ………………………………………… 44
3.8 Method of Data Analysis ………………………………………….. 45

Chapter Four: Data Analysis
4.0 Data Presentation and Analysis …………………………………… 46
4.1 Analysis of Respondents by sex …………………………………… 46
4.2 Research Question ……………………………………………….. …… 46
4.3 Summary of Findings ………………………………………… …… 53 

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary ……………………………………………………… …… 54
5.2 Recommendation …………………………………………………… 55
5.3 Conclusion …………………………………………………………. 56
5.4 Limitation of the Study ……………………………………………. 56
5.5 Recommendation for Further Research …………………………… 57

References ………………………………………………………………… 58
Appendix ................................................................................................ 60 

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2016, 09). Evaluation Of Sports As An Instrument For Social Integration In Bayelsa State.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 09, 2016, from https://projectstoc.com/read/8015/evaluation-of-sports-as-an-instrument-for-social-integration-in-bayelsa-state-1331
"Evaluation Of Sports As An Instrument For Social Integration In Bayelsa State." ProjectStoc.com. 09 2016. 2016. 09 2016 <https://projectstoc.com/read/8015/evaluation-of-sports-as-an-instrument-for-social-integration-in-bayelsa-state-1331>.
"Evaluation Of Sports As An Instrument For Social Integration In Bayelsa State.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 09 2016. Web. 09 2016. <https://projectstoc.com/read/8015/evaluation-of-sports-as-an-instrument-for-social-integration-in-bayelsa-state-1331>.
"Evaluation Of Sports As An Instrument For Social Integration In Bayelsa State.." ProjectStoc.com. 09, 2016. Accessed 09, 2016. https://projectstoc.com/read/8015/evaluation-of-sports-as-an-instrument-for-social-integration-in-bayelsa-state-1331.

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