A Comparative Study Of Oral English Performance Of Public And Private Schools In Ado-ekiti, Ekiti Nigeria

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Speaking is one of the language skills that enhances students’ performance in the English language. This is because speech is the primary manifestation of competence in language use. This study examines the differences and similarities in the spoken English of private and public schools in Ado Ekiti. The study aimed at examining the Oral performances of the students and identifying the factors affecting Oral English performance in schools. Error analysis is the theory used for analysis. The data were obtained through the use of questionnaire purposively administered to the students from selected schools. Interview and observation were also used. The data were analyzed by transcribing the words pronounced by the students. The four stages of error analysis were used to analyze the errors identified. The reports of the
questionnaire were used to identify the similarities and differences in public and private schools. The findings revealed that public secondary school students in Ado-Ekiti perform better in Oral English than their private secondary school counterparts also in Ado-Ekiti. It is also discovered that private secondary schools in Ado-Ekiti have a shortage of Oral English teachers while public secondary schools have more proficient teachers. However, both private and public secondary schools lack teaching aids for Oral English.Secondary schools in Ado-Ekiti need to focus attention on Oral English teaching so as to improve the performances of the students in the English language. Also, private schools in AdoEkiti need to employ competent Oral English instructors to handle the teaching of Oral English. It is recommended that private school administrators should provide creative and dynamic Oral English instructors. In addition, prominence should be given to Oral English.Governments at all levels should provide language laboratories and materials for use in secondary schools because it helps to reduce Mother tongue interference in Oral communication.

Table of content

Background to the study
Statement of Research problem
Aims and Objectives
Significance of the study
Scope and limitations 

Literature Review and Theoretical framework
Literature review
Oral English component and mechanism
Teaching English as a Second language in Nigeria
Oral English performance in public and private schools
Learning environment
Mother tongue interference
Theoretical framework

Research Methodology
Sources of Data
Sampling Frame and Technique
Method of Data Analysis

Section A :  Demographic distribution of teachers respondent
Section B:  table of word pronunciation
Private School respondent analysis
Public School respondent analysis
Error Analysis of the words
Section C: Demographic of Students questionnaire
Analysis of section 
Section D: Demographic of Students questionnaire
Analysis of section D

Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion
Summary of Major Findings

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(2016, 08). A Comparative Study Of Oral English Performance Of Public And Private Schools In Ado-ekiti, Ekiti Nigeria.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 08, 2016, from https://projectstoc.com/read/7916/a-comparative-study-of-oral-english-performance-of-public-and-private-schools-in-ado-ekiti-ekiti-nigeria-1539
"A Comparative Study Of Oral English Performance Of Public And Private Schools In Ado-ekiti, Ekiti Nigeria." ProjectStoc.com. 08 2016. 2016. 08 2016 <https://projectstoc.com/read/7916/a-comparative-study-of-oral-english-performance-of-public-and-private-schools-in-ado-ekiti-ekiti-nigeria-1539>.
"A Comparative Study Of Oral English Performance Of Public And Private Schools In Ado-ekiti, Ekiti Nigeria.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 08 2016. Web. 08 2016. <https://projectstoc.com/read/7916/a-comparative-study-of-oral-english-performance-of-public-and-private-schools-in-ado-ekiti-ekiti-nigeria-1539>.
"A Comparative Study Of Oral English Performance Of Public And Private Schools In Ado-ekiti, Ekiti Nigeria.." ProjectStoc.com. 08, 2016. Accessed 08, 2016. https://projectstoc.com/read/7916/a-comparative-study-of-oral-english-performance-of-public-and-private-schools-in-ado-ekiti-ekiti-nigeria-1539.