Agro-allied Activities In Nigeria, Implication Sustainable Development

ProjectStoc - 27 pages 4549 words 1287 views Seminar Degree Level Environmental Law ₦2000 Naira ($5.26 USD)

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In developing economics like Nigeria agro – allied industries are high in numbers, because it is the major source of both revenue to the government and job opportunities for the citizens. In Nigeria, agriculture apart from being the main strain of the economy, it has been recognized as the highest absolver of the labour force in the country.
 However, an unsustainable exploitation of Agricultural and agro-allied activities in the country, like logging of word, deforestation, bush burning, application of inorganic fertilizers, efficient and toxic emission industries usually result to serious environmental pollution and degradation which has an adverse implication on sustainable development on environmental resource.

This paper focuses on agro allied activities in Nigeria, implication on sustainable development. It also looks at government efforts through legislations in regulating the said activities. The challenges of those efforts are highlighted as well; and lastly solutions are proffered by way of recommendation.   

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(2016, 08). Agro-allied Activities In Nigeria, Implication Sustainable Development.. Retrieved 08, 2016, from
"Agro-allied Activities In Nigeria, Implication Sustainable Development." 08 2016. 2016. 08 2016 <>.
"Agro-allied Activities In Nigeria, Implication Sustainable Development..", 08 2016. Web. 08 2016. <>.
"Agro-allied Activities In Nigeria, Implication Sustainable Development.." 08, 2016. Accessed 08, 2016.

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