Assessment Of Secondary School Students’ Acquisition Of Science Process Skills In Physics In Nsukka Local Government Area Of Enugu State

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Physics as a science subject in school is different from other non-science subjects in school curriculum in the sense that its lessons take place in laboratories where both students and teachers carry out experiments and practical demonstration. This approach of learning and teaching of physics makes it a practical subject. Practical work is encouraged in science subjects (physics inclusive) because it facilitates the learning and understanding of science concepts, and in developing competence in the skills and procedures of scientific inquiry. Miller (1999) stated that practical work in science subject should provide:
i. Students with opportunities to make observations,  
ii. Select observations relevant to their investigations for further study.
iii. Seek and identify patterns and relate these to patterns perceived earlier.
iv. Suggest and evaluate explanations of the patterns 
v. Design and carryout experiments, including appropriate forms of measurements.
vi. To test suggested experiments for the pattern of observation.
These listed process skills are needed to be tested in practical examination.
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(2016, 02). Assessment Of Secondary School Students’ Acquisition Of Science Process Skills In Physics In Nsukka Local Government Area Of Enugu State.. Retrieved 02, 2016, from
"Assessment Of Secondary School Students’ Acquisition Of Science Process Skills In Physics In Nsukka Local Government Area Of Enugu State." 02 2016. 2016. 02 2016 <>.
"Assessment Of Secondary School Students’ Acquisition Of Science Process Skills In Physics In Nsukka Local Government Area Of Enugu State..", 02 2016. Web. 02 2016. <>.
"Assessment Of Secondary School Students’ Acquisition Of Science Process Skills In Physics In Nsukka Local Government Area Of Enugu State.." 02, 2016. Accessed 02, 2016.

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