Computer Made Eassier: Diamond Computers

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What is computer?
Computer can be defined as an electronic device that operates under the control of instruction that is installed in its memory units.
It can also mean an electronic device that receive data as an input, process and bring out the result as an output.
With the definition above, one can understand that computer is just a device (electronic device) which operate and control other parts.
What is computer system?

Computer system like any other system is the combination of internal that join together to perform a specific function. From the definition above, we can observe that computer system is not just a particular machine. It is the combination sub-system but they joined at a place called the system. System units alone cannot stand to mean computer system but as a computer.

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2016, 02). Computer Made Eassier: Diamond Computers.. Retrieved 02, 2016, from
"Computer Made Eassier: Diamond Computers." 02 2016. 2016. 02 2016 <>.
"Computer Made Eassier: Diamond Computers..", 02 2016. Web. 02 2016. <>.
"Computer Made Eassier: Diamond Computers.." 02, 2016. Accessed 02, 2016.

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