Influence Of “second Chance” (a Foreign Television Programme On The Social Behaviour Of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Students, Awka).

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Technological advancement in communication technologies has continued to eulogize television as a powerful medium of mass communication. Interestingly, television programme span around the circuits of human endeavour including politics, culture and education.Udeajah (2004, p.7) affirm this when he notes that:We all know in truth broadcasting has become an indispensable form for the practice of politics and governance in all modern nation states. The reasons are quite simple. No other medium can deliver as large and instantaneous an audience to the politicians or government as broadcasting can. It is also the belief all over the world that broadcasting is an eminently persuasive medium; omnipresent in people‟s homes, working places even in transit. It is akin to a second skin through which most people stay in touch with their immediate environment and the world at large.
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(2016, 02). Influence Of “second Chance” (a Foreign Television Programme On The Social Behaviour Of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Students, Awka)... Retrieved 02, 2016, from
"Influence Of “second Chance” (a Foreign Television Programme On The Social Behaviour Of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Students, Awka).." 02 2016. 2016. 02 2016 <>.
"Influence Of “second Chance” (a Foreign Television Programme On The Social Behaviour Of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Students, Awka)...", 02 2016. Web. 02 2016. <>.
"Influence Of “second Chance” (a Foreign Television Programme On The Social Behaviour Of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Students, Awka)..." 02, 2016. Accessed 02, 2016.

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