The Impact Of Microfinance On Entreneurship Development In Nigeria

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It is an undisputable fact that the contribution of microfinance to entrepreneurship activities is increasing being recognized as a primary engine of economic growth. (The Economist, May 18th 1996). By combining existing resources with innovative ideas, entrepreneurs add value through the commercialization of new products, the creation of new jobs and the building of new firms. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) indicates that nations with higher levels of entrepreneurial activity enjoy strong economic growth. In short, entrepreneurs are the link between new ideas and economic development. This is proper using the experience of the industrialized countries of North America and West Europe. Legislative actions has been taken by countries like United States of America, the Netherlands and Japan to see to the fact that entrepreneurial activities can
contribute to economic development. This may explain why various governments around the world promoted it since entrepreneurial skills and strategies are used to tackle different social problem and addressing poverty as well as a means of employing the disadvantaged.
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(2016, 02). The Impact Of Microfinance On Entreneurship Development In Nigeria.. Retrieved 02, 2016, from
"The Impact Of Microfinance On Entreneurship Development In Nigeria." 02 2016. 2016. 02 2016 <>.
"The Impact Of Microfinance On Entreneurship Development In Nigeria..", 02 2016. Web. 02 2016. <>.
"The Impact Of Microfinance On Entreneurship Development In Nigeria.." 02, 2016. Accessed 02, 2016.

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