Real Exchange Rate And Non Oil Export In Nigeria (1999-2013)

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Since exportation has a special share in the economic growth of many advanced and developing countries; as far as making those countries as the strongest countries, the effective factors; in turn, could pave way for progress of countries, particularly the developing countries. Since increase or decrease in currency exchange rate leads to the decrease or increase in export.
Nigeria is endowed with various kinds of resources needed to place her amongst the top emerging economies of the World. Unfortunately, the nation has not adequately benefited from the economic prosperity expected of a nation so richly blessed.
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(2016, 01). Real Exchange Rate And Non Oil Export In Nigeria (1999-2013).. Retrieved 01, 2016, from
"Real Exchange Rate And Non Oil Export In Nigeria (1999-2013)." 01 2016. 2016. 01 2016 <>.
"Real Exchange Rate And Non Oil Export In Nigeria (1999-2013)..", 01 2016. Web. 01 2016. <>.
"Real Exchange Rate And Non Oil Export In Nigeria (1999-2013).." 01, 2016. Accessed 01, 2016.

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