The Study Of Properties Of Briquette Produced From Groundnut Shell Coal Blend

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Biomass, particularly agricultural residues seem to be one of the most promising energy resources for developing countries (Patomsok, 2008). Rural households and minority of urban dwellers depend solely on fuel woods (charcoal, firewood and sawdust) as their primary sources of energy for the past decades (Onuegbu, 2010). Of all the available energy resources in Nigeria, coal and coal derivatives such as smokeless coal briquettes, bio-coal briquettes, and biomass briquettes have been shown to have the highest potential for use as suitable alternative to coal/ fuel wood in industrial boiler and brick kiln for thermal application and domestic purposes. Global warming has become an international concern. Global warming is caused by green house gasses which carbon dioxide is among the major contributors. It was shown that increased emissions of CO2 have been drastically reduced owing to the fact that the rate of deforestation is higher than the afforestation effort in the country.
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(2016, 01). The Study Of Properties Of Briquette Produced From Groundnut Shell Coal Blend.. Retrieved 01, 2016, from
"The Study Of Properties Of Briquette Produced From Groundnut Shell Coal Blend." 01 2016. 2016. 01 2016 <>.
"The Study Of Properties Of Briquette Produced From Groundnut Shell Coal Blend..", 01 2016. Web. 01 2016. <>.
"The Study Of Properties Of Briquette Produced From Groundnut Shell Coal Blend.." 01, 2016. Accessed 01, 2016.

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