Before the “Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP)” can be clearly defined, one must have a better understanding of the situation into which it was introduced. At the conclusion of a Debate/Symposium on “Devaluation” held in 1982 at the Institute of International Affairs, the consensus emerged that the economic problem of Nigeria was structural.
The intention of SAP is to adjust the structure of the Nigerian economy, but what is the structure of the economy and why does it need adjustment? The relevant dictionary meaning of the word “structure” is “the arrangement or interrelation of all part of a whole”.
At the summary of overall economic level which the economist call “The macro level”, the structure f the economy is its composition as seen through the shares or proportion of the various component parts or economic aggregated, in the total sum of goods and services produced in a period usually a year.
Therefore, the structure of the economy is shown by the shares of the various economic sectors in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Just like any other theory, accountants have discovered that they need to make certain assumption before they can prepare financial statements. These assumptions, which underline the preparation of financial statements, are also known as principles, postulates, conventions, concepts, and standards etc. The originate from such concepts as entity, going-concern, periodicity realization, matching, consistency and historical cost concept.
The intention of SAP is to adjust the structure of the Nigerian economy, but what is the structure of the economy and why does it need adjustment? The relevant dictionary meaning of the word “structure” is “the arrangement or interrelation of all part of a whole”.
At the summary of overall economic level which the economist call “The macro level”, the structure f the economy is its composition as seen through the shares or proportion of the various component parts or economic aggregated, in the total sum of goods and services produced in a period usually a year.
Therefore, the structure of the economy is shown by the shares of the various economic sectors in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Just like any other theory, accountants have discovered that they need to make certain assumption before they can prepare financial statements. These assumptions, which underline the preparation of financial statements, are also known as principles, postulates, conventions, concepts, and standards etc. The originate from such concepts as entity, going-concern, periodicity realization, matching, consistency and historical cost concept.
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(2016, 01). Effects Of Structural Adjustment Programme On Accounting Principles (a Case Study Of Central Bank F.c.t Abuja ).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 01, 2016, from https://projectstoc.com/read/6971/effects-of-structural-adjustment-programme-on-accounting-principles-a-case-study-of-central-bank-f-c-t-abuja-7539
"Effects Of Structural Adjustment Programme On Accounting Principles (a Case Study Of Central Bank F.c.t Abuja )." ProjectStoc.com. 01 2016. 2016. 01 2016 <https://projectstoc.com/read/6971/effects-of-structural-adjustment-programme-on-accounting-principles-a-case-study-of-central-bank-f-c-t-abuja-7539>.
"Effects Of Structural Adjustment Programme On Accounting Principles (a Case Study Of Central Bank F.c.t Abuja ).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 01 2016. Web. 01 2016. <https://projectstoc.com/read/6971/effects-of-structural-adjustment-programme-on-accounting-principles-a-case-study-of-central-bank-f-c-t-abuja-7539>.
"Effects Of Structural Adjustment Programme On Accounting Principles (a Case Study Of Central Bank F.c.t Abuja ).." ProjectStoc.com. 01, 2016. Accessed 01, 2016. https://projectstoc.com/read/6971/effects-of-structural-adjustment-programme-on-accounting-principles-a-case-study-of-central-bank-f-c-t-abuja-7539.
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