Importance Of Computer In Automobile Manufacuring

ProjectStoc - 17 pages 2981 words 1134 views Seminar Degree Level Computer Science ₦1000 Naira ($2.63 USD)

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It is not uncommon nowadays to see computers entrusted with functions upon which human life are dependent, examples of such functions are embedded computers in heart pace-makers, anti-lock braking systems in cars, and fly-by-wire flight control systems for civil airliners. In recent times, the manufacturing industry has witnessed remarkable modernization in technology as well as the adoption of information technology and computer science on a massive scale. Automobile design and manufacture companies face significant challenges to remain in competition in today's industry, including supplying innovative models at the right price, enhancing brand image, building customer loyalty and expanding business horizons. These challenges can be faced by combining solutions such as CAD/CAM and 3D technologies with Internet tools to provide optimal solutions for meeting all requirements, from collection design through to production and promotion. Today, with the introduction of CAD and CAM and their many software capabilities, the possibilities are endless.

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(2016, 01). Importance Of Computer In Automobile Manufacuring.. Retrieved 01, 2016, from
"Importance Of Computer In Automobile Manufacuring." 01 2016. 2016. 01 2016 <>.
"Importance Of Computer In Automobile Manufacuring..", 01 2016. Web. 01 2016. <>.
"Importance Of Computer In Automobile Manufacuring.." 01, 2016. Accessed 01, 2016.

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