Seminar Presentation On Carnivore Software

ProjectStoc - 22 pages 5499 words 1092 views Seminar Degree Level Computer Science ₦1000 Naira ($2.63 USD)

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A carnivore is controversial program that is developed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in US (United State) by which they are able to access the email activities of the person suspected. It was the third generation software of online detection. The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) uses to configure the hardware with IP (Internet Protocol) address of software through which carnivore captures packets from a particular location. A carnivore is used to work on a phenomena of sharing personal information for which an agency is required to have the permission from court before using carnivore. There are some reasons for which one can be allowed to use carnivores. It include terrorism, espionage (act of spying), child exploitation and pornography, information warfare and fraud. It uses to capture all packets of networks that include unfiltered and filtered among the specific element that are captured from the filtered one. There are some major issues regarding the use of carnivore that includes violation of privacy regarding the ECPA (electronic communication in privacy act). Regulation, free speech and echelon are also the major issues. It is a potential that act as a useful weapon against crime.

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(2016, 01). Seminar Presentation On Carnivore Software.. Retrieved 01, 2016, from
"Seminar Presentation On Carnivore Software." 01 2016. 2016. 01 2016 <>.
"Seminar Presentation On Carnivore Software..", 01 2016. Web. 01 2016. <>.
"Seminar Presentation On Carnivore Software.." 01, 2016. Accessed 01, 2016.

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