Advantages Of Using Immobilized Enzymes Or Biocatalyst In Industrial Process

ProjectStoc - 22 pages 3198 words 1770 views Seminar Degree Level Laboratory Technology ₦3000 Naira ($7.89 USD)

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Immobilized enzymes have been widely used in the processing of variety of products. New strategies are continuously emerging for the formation of diverse immobilized enzymes having superior efficiency and usage. Immobilized enzymes have biomedical and industrial applications and for this reason, this area has continued to develop into an ever-expanding and multidisciplinary field during the last couple of decades. This study is a review of the latest literatures on different enzymes immobilized on various supporting materials. Immobilized enzymes for multiplicity of applications ranging from wine, sugar and fish industry through organic compounds removal from wastewaters to sophisticated biosensors for both in situ measurements of environmental pollutants and metabolite control are reviewed. Generally speaking, immobilized enzymes have immense potential in the analysis of clinical, industrial and environmental samples. Immobilized enzymes and proteins have been tremendously used in antibiotic production, drug metabolism, food industry, biodiesel production and bioremediation. The success of the vast usage of immobilized enzymes lies in the fact that they prove to be environmental friendly, cheaper and easy to use when compared to other parallel technologies.

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(2016, 01). Advantages Of Using Immobilized Enzymes Or Biocatalyst In Industrial Process.. Retrieved 01, 2016, from
"Advantages Of Using Immobilized Enzymes Or Biocatalyst In Industrial Process." 01 2016. 2016. 01 2016 <>.
"Advantages Of Using Immobilized Enzymes Or Biocatalyst In Industrial Process..", 01 2016. Web. 01 2016. <>.
"Advantages Of Using Immobilized Enzymes Or Biocatalyst In Industrial Process.." 01, 2016. Accessed 01, 2016.

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