Concept Of Harmonising Forces: A Critical Look At Tool Making, Language, And Social Structure From The Antiquity Of Man Till Date.

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With cogitation to the course and in revealing the similarities and relationship of the early men i.e zijanthropus , Australopithecus, homo habilis,  erectus and modern man, homo sapiens, it is expedient to give an insight into the nature of their survival techniques (using various tools) social interaction and also means of communication amongst them.Wegh (2005): sees culture as “A symbol through which communication is made”. Communication emanates through languages which can also be expressed as different signs and gestures. The tool making factor of the early man range from the use of stones and woods by chimpanzees to crack nuts and as well as shaping other hand made tools, the first stone tools were evidently used by early transitional humans and probably Australopithecus garhi.
         The Wikipedia free encyclopedia sees language as a system for relating sounds and meanings. The communication system amongst these early species is what has led to the present day human communication, and it is only the harmonization and similarities in languages and gestures that has progressively led to a successful human evolution from the primitive men down to the 18th century industrial revolution and now. In giving an insightful answer to the question under discourse, it is pertinent to take a critical look at the aforementioned concepts I.e. tool making, language, and social behavior with their similarities from primitive times to the development of the modern man (homo sapiens) or probably to our present scientific era.

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(2016, 01). Concept Of Harmonising Forces: A Critical Look At Tool Making, Language, And Social Structure From The Antiquity Of Man Till Date... Retrieved 01, 2016, from
"Concept Of Harmonising Forces: A Critical Look At Tool Making, Language, And Social Structure From The Antiquity Of Man Till Date.." 01 2016. 2016. 01 2016 <>.
"Concept Of Harmonising Forces: A Critical Look At Tool Making, Language, And Social Structure From The Antiquity Of Man Till Date...", 01 2016. Web. 01 2016. <>.
"Concept Of Harmonising Forces: A Critical Look At Tool Making, Language, And Social Structure From The Antiquity Of Man Till Date..." 01, 2016. Accessed 01, 2016.

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