The Role Of Co-operative Societies In Women Empowerment (a Case Study Of Selected Co-operatives In Ughelli South Local Government Area Of Delta State)

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For the purpose of clarity, the project is divided into five (5) chapters for easy comprehension. The first chapter dealt on introduction which is the background of the study, significance of the study, also research questions, research hypothesis, definition of terms, limitation of the study and assumption. The second chapter brings out the literature review of the work as well as the summary of literature review. The third chapter is research method, research design and research sample to be used. The method of data collection and data analysis is also explained. The result of the data collected and analysis is stated in chapter four. Chapter five is the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the project.

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
Title  Page ii
 Approval  Page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of Contents vii

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 4
1.3 Objective of the study 5
1.4 Significance of the study 6
1.5 Research Questions 7
1.6 Scope and limitation of the study 8
1.7 Research Hypothesis 10
1.8 Definition of Terms 10
2.0 Literature Review 12

3.0 Research Design and Methodology 64
3.1 Research Design 64
3.2 Area of the Study   65
3.3 Population of the study 65
3.4 Sample size Determination And Techniques 66
3.5 Sources of Data 69
3.6 Methods of data Collection/Instruments used 70
3.7 Administration of Instruments 71
3.8 Statistical techniques used in data analysis 71

4.0 Presentation and Data Analysis       72
4.1 Introduction 72
4.2 Presentation of Result 72

Summary of Findings, Recommendations and conclusion 
5.1 Summary of  Findings 85
5.2 Recommendations 86
5.3 Conclusion 87
References 88

                             LIST OF TABLES
Table 4i: The women restricted to participate in the economic, social and cultural activities in the local government?

Table 4ii: If yes, how are these activities in their participation restricted?

Table 4iii: Why are they restricted from such activities?

Table4iv: Are Women allowed to join and form co-operative society in the local government?
Table 4v: How many of such co-operative societies do you have in the local government?

Table 4vi: What activities do women perform in the co-operative?
Table 4vii: What are the problems militating against the involvement of women in co-operatives?

Table 4viii: How can such impediments be removed?

Table 4ix: What do women stand to gain from joining co-operatives and participation?

Table 4x: How will such involvement help the community?

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(2015, 11). The Role Of Co-operative Societies In Women Empowerment (a Case Study Of Selected Co-operatives In Ughelli South Local Government Area Of Delta State).. Retrieved 11, 2015, from
"The Role Of Co-operative Societies In Women Empowerment (a Case Study Of Selected Co-operatives In Ughelli South Local Government Area Of Delta State)." 11 2015. 2015. 11 2015 <>.
"The Role Of Co-operative Societies In Women Empowerment (a Case Study Of Selected Co-operatives In Ughelli South Local Government Area Of Delta State)..", 11 2015. Web. 11 2015. <>.
"The Role Of Co-operative Societies In Women Empowerment (a Case Study Of Selected Co-operatives In Ughelli South Local Government Area Of Delta State).." 11, 2015. Accessed 11, 2015.

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