Factors Militatig Against The Teaching Of Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice In Government Teachnical Colleges In Enugu State

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The journey on the path of technical education started as far back as in the 1930’s when the commission on Higher Education proposed that the premises of Yaba Higher College should be converted to a technical institute. In line with this arrangement a student was expected to spend two years in general studied department and three years in an area of specialization like the mechanical engineering craft department. Responses to questions posed by the researcher have shown that mechanical engineering craft practice is laudable but on the other hand, the country appears not prepared for the effective implementation of this programme. There seems to be no concrete arrangement on who to finance it and no proper orientation was made to acquit teachers with the function of the scheme. The result of the analysis in the preceding chapter shows that inadequacy of teachers, la ck of well equipped workshop, lack of well equipped laboratories and libraries, non-availability of finance and non provision of accessories are the major factors militating against this course. It is hereby recommended that the government should provide equipments, train instructional personnel for the programme, well equipped laboratories and supply relevant and adequate text books to technical colleges.


Title Page
Approval  Page 
Table of Contents

1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of Problems
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Scope of the Study
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Research Question 
1.7 Limitations of the Study
1.8 Definition of Terms

Literature Review 
2.1 Finance and Finding 
2.2 Adequacy and Qualification of Teaching Staff
2.3 Non Payment of Teachers Salaries 
2.4 Availability of Well Equipped Libraries
2.5 Lack of Equipped Workshop
2.6 Availability of well Equipped Laboratories      

Research Methodology
3.1 Design of the Study
3.2 Area of Study
3.3 Population 
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques 
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection 
3.6 Validation of Instrument 
3.7 Method of Data Collection and Analysis

Presentation of Results of Statistical
4.1 Research Question 1
4.2 Research Question 2
4.3 Research Question 3
4.4 Research Question 4

Discussion on Findings, Implication, Suggestion and Conclusion
5.1 Discussion on Findings 
5.2 Educational implication 
5.3 Recommendation 
5.4 Suggestions for Further Study
5.5 Conclusion 


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(2015, 10). Factors Militatig Against The Teaching Of Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice In Government Teachnical Colleges In Enugu State.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 10, 2015, from https://projectstoc.com/read/6709/factors-militatig-against-the-teaching-of-mechanical-engineering-craft-practice-in-government-teachnical-colleges-in-enugu-state-2995
"Factors Militatig Against The Teaching Of Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice In Government Teachnical Colleges In Enugu State." ProjectStoc.com. 10 2015. 2015. 10 2015 <https://projectstoc.com/read/6709/factors-militatig-against-the-teaching-of-mechanical-engineering-craft-practice-in-government-teachnical-colleges-in-enugu-state-2995>.
"Factors Militatig Against The Teaching Of Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice In Government Teachnical Colleges In Enugu State.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 10 2015. Web. 10 2015. <https://projectstoc.com/read/6709/factors-militatig-against-the-teaching-of-mechanical-engineering-craft-practice-in-government-teachnical-colleges-in-enugu-state-2995>.
"Factors Militatig Against The Teaching Of Mechanical Engineering Craft Practice In Government Teachnical Colleges In Enugu State.." ProjectStoc.com. 10, 2015. Accessed 10, 2015. https://projectstoc.com/read/6709/factors-militatig-against-the-teaching-of-mechanical-engineering-craft-practice-in-government-teachnical-colleges-in-enugu-state-2995.

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