What is today known as national electric power authority is a merger of the electricity cooperation of Nigeria (ECN) and Niger Dam authority (NDA) the former was created by the federal government responsible for major policies of mines and power. It was empowered to generate transmitted distribute and sale electricity. Consequently to take over all government downed undertaken throughout the country and to establish new ones if considered economically viable.
The history of the present day NEPA would not be complete if the old police works department (PWD) of the government, which in 1896 installed the first 60kw generating set in Lagos is not mentioned.
In 1895 the preliminary investigation and planning were carried out by the public works department in Lagos at a cost of ₤ 3,206.00 The following year 1896 the their government of southern Nigeria allocated the sum of ₤1200.00 for the establishment of the first power station in Lagos which today is still the headquarter of NEPA in Lagos. Mr. 1 Pooke was the first chief electrical engineer of the establishment known as the Lagos electric supply. The power station operated within the hours of 6.00pm to 11.00p, daily and the maximum power demand continued to increase as a result of extension of supply to Iddo and Fbette Metta area. Further effort was made to increase the generating capacity of the power station. By 1915 the total installed capacity has risen to 320kw and to 420kw in 1921.
In 1924 the system introduced 2, and 3 phase 4 wire with 50 cycles and is still in use till date. As the demand continued to increase following the understanding that the use of electricity was no longer the exclusive reserve of the rich but an essential factor in development it became.
Good effort had been put into their chapter to reviews books journals magazines and works that are related to communication and its impact on organizational efficiency. This review is organized according to the following sub-headings.
i. Definition of communication
ii. Some types of communication equipment and their uses.
iii. Some types of communication systems
iv. Importance of communication in an organization
v. Problem of ineffective communication
2.2 There is no doubt that communication has different definitions to different authors and scientist some social scientist defined it as the act of sending and receiving message others referred it as means by which massage are sent and received while some sees it as the message it self.
Molokwu (1993) said that communication is the means whereby people in an organization exchange information regarding the operation of their enterprise it is the exchange of ideas facts and emotions by two or more people by the use of words symbols or letters A.S Hirnby (1974) defined it as a pass of news information feelings heat motion illness shared or exchanged with another.
Among many characteristics that had differentiates man above other animals is his ability to communicate across time and space. Many lower animals are capable of transmitting information with their immediate environs. Man also leant to record information beyond thereby communicating across space.
The important of our effective communication network to man cannot be over emphasized.
The American management association defined communication as any behaviour that results in an exchange of meanings chapel and board defined communication as means by which taught are transferred from one person to another.
Okafor (1987) in his book defined communication, as any initiated behaviour on the part of the sender, which conveys the desired meaning to the receiver, and causes desired response behaviour from the receiver.
It was also noted that communication occupied a central place in an organizational theory because the structures extensiveness and scope of the organization are determined by communication technique.
Ume (1995/96) said that communication is the process by which information is passed to individual or organizations by means of previously agreed symbols. He further said that it can be referred is the message itself the channel along which message is passed or to the set of message passing.
Azuka (1993) in his view pointed out that communication means the process of passing information from one person to another. He further stressed that the temperament of the sender the receiver the clarity of the message and the prevailing climate within which communication takes place.
Egbue (1996) said that communication relates to the exchange of facts opinion or emotions by two or more people in an organization. if could be by words letters symbols messages in a way that one member shares meaning and understanding with another to him it is the transfers of information from one person to other provided the information is understandable by the receiver there are four factors that facilitate communications. They are the sender the message the receiver and the channel/ symbol.
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2014, 12). The Impact Of Communication On The Organizational Efficiency In Nepa Enugu... ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 12, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/5762/the-impact-of-communication-on-the-organizational-efficiency-in-nepa-enugu-485
"The Impact Of Communication On The Organizational Efficiency In Nepa Enugu.." ProjectStoc.com. 12 2014. 2014. 12 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/5762/the-impact-of-communication-on-the-organizational-efficiency-in-nepa-enugu-485>.
"The Impact Of Communication On The Organizational Efficiency In Nepa Enugu..." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 12 2014. Web. 12 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/5762/the-impact-of-communication-on-the-organizational-efficiency-in-nepa-enugu-485>.
"The Impact Of Communication On The Organizational Efficiency In Nepa Enugu..." ProjectStoc.com. 12, 2014. Accessed 12, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/5762/the-impact-of-communication-on-the-organizational-efficiency-in-nepa-enugu-485.
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