Design And Construction Of An Electric Dice Display With Audio Unit.

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This work deals extensively with the design and construction of an electrodice display (EOD) with audio unit. The device displays the value of a ludo dice in numerical form and also produces sound as it displays the number.

The device works with principle of chance employed by ludo game players. The output of the display is usually very rapid that the player does not actually see the number when the device is switched ON so that it will purely be a game of chance. When the off key is pressed, a particular number is displayed and this number is the number the player got.

The operation of the device starts by the generation of a pulse frequency. The pulse frequency (square wave signal) is generated by times (555 timer) by connecting in unstable multi-vibrator. The output from the timer is used in clocking the binary counter (mode 10 counter) but this counter is biased in the mode 10 counter, the output from Qo, Q1 and Q2 were connected to the reset pins so that once the counter finishes the count of six of goes back to zero.

The result from the binary counter is then fed to the decoder / driver before connecting it to seven segment so that the decoder will be able to convert the binary values to the decimal values that are being used in the ludo game dice. The seven segment then displays the numbers by lightening the diodes that make up that particular.

This device is being regulated by a latch (4-edge triggered flip-flop which has two switches, one is used for putting the power supply and the other two push switches for the working of the dice display.

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
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(2012, 10). Design And Construction Of An Electric Dice Display With Audio Unit... Retrieved 10, 2012, from
"Design And Construction Of An Electric Dice Display With Audio Unit.." 10 2012. 2012. 10 2012 <>.
"Design And Construction Of An Electric Dice Display With Audio Unit...", 10 2012. Web. 10 2012. <>.
"Design And Construction Of An Electric Dice Display With Audio Unit..." 10, 2012. Accessed 10, 2012.

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