The work has to do with ABC Shuttle Express Service by focusing on that of No. 69 Ogui Road Asata Enugu based on the year of establishment their service product, total number of their workers and recommendations based on research.
Title Page i
Dedication ii
Acknowledgement iii
Preface iv
Introduction 1
Meaning of Services 2
Characteristics of services 3
Enugu ABC Transport services Address 4
Organograme of Enugu ABC 5
How ABC Service Company Manager their Services 7
Recommendations 10
Conclusion 11
Service lie at the very center of economic activity in any society. Services have grown dramatically in recent years. Indeed, service is undergoing a transformation from the traditional concept of a service transaction to are of experience. The rapid growth of service in recent time has brought the end for effective and efficient coordination of its marketing.
In Nigeria there exist many transportation companies that provide the same service with that of ABC. But today, due to the level of competitive, each of this company do their possible best in attempt to differentiate and manage their service effectively and efficiently.
ABC Transportation company has breaches in several part of the country in which Enugu is inclusive. The company started is far back as 1980 as a joint business of some group of individuals. As at then, they do not have well known part of their own and their major mute coverage was the neighbouring countries in Nigeria such as Ganna, Cameroon etc.
Furthermore, due to the good management system of the company by satisfying their customers, it and to enlarged their cost from cross country to internal service provider i.e covering some state in Nigeria.
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(2014, 12). The Services Of Abc Shuttle Express (a Case Study Of Abc Shuttle Asata Enugu Branch).. Retrieved 12, 2014, from
"The Services Of Abc Shuttle Express (a Case Study Of Abc Shuttle Asata Enugu Branch)." 12 2014. 2014. 12 2014 <>.
"The Services Of Abc Shuttle Express (a Case Study Of Abc Shuttle Asata Enugu Branch)..", 12 2014. Web. 12 2014. <>.
"The Services Of Abc Shuttle Express (a Case Study Of Abc Shuttle Asata Enugu Branch).." 12, 2014. Accessed 12, 2014.
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